Sarasota Location Bradenton Location
2320 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota, FL 34232 417 12
St W, Suite 106, Bradenton, FL 34205
(941) 952-3400 Fax (941) 952-3401 email:
*Submit a completed and signed application and License must be active on the DBPR's website
*Include method of payment. (Chec
k, Visa, Master Card, or American Express)
*Please Note: When changing firms, you will incur a transfer/admin fee.
App. Received App. Fee
Stellar MLS
Jan 1/Jan 31 $150.00 $204.00 $176.00 $185.00 $20.00 $321.25 $1,056.25
Feb 1/Feb 28 $150.00 $187.00 $166.33 $172.50 $20.00 $282.00 $977.83
Mar 1/Mar 31 $150.00 $167.50 $156.67 $160.00 $20.00 $206.54 $860.71
*Apr 1/Apr 30 $150.00 $150.75 $147.00 $147.50 $20.00 $640.38 $1,255.63
*May 1/May 31 $150.00 $134.00
$135.00 $20.00
$603.16 $1,179.49
Jun 1/Jun 30 $150.00 $117.25 $127.67 $122.50 $20.00 $596.00 $1,133.42
July 1/July 31 $150.00 $100.50 $118.00 $110.00 $20.00 $556.75
Aug 1/Aug 31 $150.00 $83.75 $108.33 $97.50 $20.00 $517.50 $977.08
Sept 1/Sept 30 $150.00 $67.00 $98.67 $85.00 $20.00 $478.25 $898.92
Oct 1/Oct 31 $150.00 $50.25 $89.00 $72.50 $20.00 $439.00 $820.75
^Nov 1/Nov 30 $150.00 $237.50 $225.33 $245.00 $20.00 $399.75 $1,277.58
^Dec 1/Dec 31 $150.00 $220.75 $215.67 $232.50 $20.00 $360.50
To be a Secondary Realtor® Member of RASM who already is a member of Stellar MLS: (Application fee + RASM dues)
To be a Secondary Realtor® Member of RASM and be a member of Stellar MLS: (Application fee+RASM dues+Stellar MLS)
If joining RASM from out of state need to join FR also.
Association dues are collected annually on Dec 15
Membership Dues/Fees are Non-Refundable
REV 10/21
*Includes Pro-rated Stellar MLS Fees for April/May 2021 & Annual MLS fees from June 2021 to May 2022
^Includes Pro-Rated Association Fees for Nov & Dec 2021 and all Annual Association fees for 2022
FR Dues includes $30 Processing Fee and a $30 Issues Advocacy Assessment.
NAR Dues includes $35 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment.
FR PAC is voluntary, industry protection against harmful legislation/regulation. When paid, you will receive a
Florida Realtors® Pin. (See page 4) *
Stellar MLS Fees includes $125 one-time activation fee.
If you were a member of NAR for the previous calendar year, NAR reinstatement fee for the current year will be $185
If you were a member of FR for the previous calendar year, FR reinstatement fee for the current year will be $176
To be a participant in MFCRE please see Agent MFCRE application.
Sarasota Location Bradenton Location
2320 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota, FL 34232 417 12
St W, Suite 106, Bradenton, FL 34205
(941) 952-3400 Fax (941) 952-3401 email:
Primary Member-Realtor® Association of Sarasota and Manatee is primary Association
Secondary Member-Primary board membership is with another Association
Primary members are those who pay their FR and NAR dues through RASM and whose principal broker also holds
membership in RASM. Secondary membership is available only to REALTORS® whose Primary membership is in another
Association. Secondary REALTORS® must provide a letter of good standing from their Primary Association stating they have
paid the state and national dues for current year.
I hereby apply for membership in the REALTOR® Association of Sarasota and Manatee, in the category checked above and enclose my
payment for the required dues and fees, which are NOT refundable. I agree that, if accepted for membership, I will pay the dues and fees as
from time to time established. I agree as a condition of membership to thoroughly familiarize myself with the Code of Ethics of the NATIONAL
ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (NAR), including the duty to arbitrate business disputes in accordance with the Code of Ethics and
Arbitration Manual of NAR and the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of RASM, the Florida REALTORS® (FR), and NAR. I
further agree that my act of paying dues and fees shall evidence my initial and continuing commitment to abide by the Code of Ethics,
Constitution, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and duty to arbitrate, all as from time to time amended.
I acknowledge that RASM will maintain a membership file of information which may be shared with other boards/associations where I
subsequently seek membership. This file shall include previous applications for memberships: all final findings of Code of Ethics violations
and violations of other membership duties within the past three years: pending complaints alleging violations of the Code of Ethics or alleging
violations of other membership duties: incomplete or pending disciplinary measures; pending arbitration requests; and information related to
unpaid arbitration awards or unpaid financial obligations to RASM or its MLS.
I acknowledge that if I subsequently resign from the Association or otherwise cause my membership to terminate with an ethics complaint
pending, the Association may condition renewal of membership upon my certification that I will submit to the pending ethics proceeding and
will abide by the decision of the Hearing Panel. If I resign or otherwise cause membership to terminate, the duty to submit arbitration
continues in effect even after membership lapses or is terminated, provided the dispute arose while I was a REALTOR®
Please PRINT or TYPE to ensure accuracy
Name as Shown on License________________________
Home Address_________________________________________________
City ______________________ State ________________ Zip ___________
Home Phone #________________ Cell Phone #______________________
Home Fax #_________________ Date of Birth ____/____/____ Sex ______
Nickname (will show in the MLS)__________________________________
Your E-Mail ___________________________________________________
Firm Name____________________________________________________
Office Address_________________________________________________
City ______________________ State ________________ Zip __________
Office Phone #___________________Office Fax #___________________
Website(URL) _________________________________________________
Association Use Only
Member #___________________
RASM Pswd_________________
MLS ID#____________________
MLS Pswd___________________
CK or MC or V or AmEx
Total Paid ____________________
Page 1 - Membership
License Type: BK-Broker SL-Salesperson RD/RZ/RI-Certified Residential Appraiser (Trainee)
License #____________________ License Expiration ____/____/____
Preferred Phone (H) Home (O) Office (C) Cell
Preferred Fax (H) Home (O) Office
Preferred Mailing (H) Home (O) Office
RASM Magazine Delivery Method (M) Mail (E) Email/Electronic Copy (The Greener Choice)
Foreign Languages Spoken _________________________________________________________
Are you presently a member of any other Association of REALTORS®? Yes No
If yes, name of Association and type of membership held: ____________________________________________
Have you previously held membership in any other Association of REALTORS®? Yes No
If yes, name of Association and type of membership held: _____________________________________________
Have you been found in violation of the Code of Ethics or other membership duties in any Association of
REALTORS® in the past three (3) years or are there any such complaints pending? Yes No
(If yes, provide details as an attachment.)
If you are now or have ever been a REALTOR®, indicate your NAR membership (NRDS) # ____________________ and
last date (year) of completion of NAR’s Code of Ethics training requirement: __________ .
Have you ever been refused membership in any other Association of REALTORS®? Yes No
If yes, state the basis for each such refusal and detail the circumstances related thereto: _______________________
Do you hold, or have you ever held, a real estate license in any other state? Yes No
If so, where: _______________________________________________________________________________
Have you been found in violation of state real estate licensing regulations or other laws prohibiting unprofessional
conduct rendered by the courts or other lawful authorities within the last three years? If yes, provide details:
Have you been convicted of a felony or other crime? If yes, provide
Page 2-Membership
By signing below, I consent that the REALTOR® Association of Sarasota and Manatee (local, state, national) and
their subsidiaries, if any (e.g., Stellar MLS) may
contact me at the specified address, telephone numbers, fax
numbers, email address or other means of communication available. This consent applies to changes in contact
information that may be provided by me to the Association(s) in the future. This consent recognizes that certain
state and federal laws may place limits on communications that I am waiving to receive all communications as part
of my membership. I agree to hold harmless the Association of Realtors®, its staff and agents, for use of my email
address(es) and phone number(s).
I understand that I will be granted provisional membership upon submission and processing of completed
application. I further understand that if I fail to attend the mandatory courses in person, within 90 days, my
membership will be terminated.
I hereby
certify that all information supplied by me is correct.
Signature________________________________________________________ Date______________________
Member Signature
Note: Dues payments to the REALTOR® Association of Sarasota and Manatee, are not tax deductible as charitable
contributions. Portions of such payments may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. When a
REALTOR® moves their real estate license from one Brokerage Firm to another Brokerage Firm you will incur a $20
administration transfer fee.
Check #___________ MasterCard Visa AMEX
Card #_____________________________________ Exp. Date: ___/____ CVV______
Type of Card: Individual Corporate
Total Paid or Charged to Credit Card $________
Name (Exactly as printed on card): __________________________________________
Signature of Cardholder: __________________________________________________
Check here to remove $20 FR PAC Assessment* (will not receive Florida Realtors® Pin)
Association-Local, State & National dues are collected annually on Dec. 15
MLS fees are collected by Stellar MLS annually by May 15
*Contributions are not deductible f
or federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. Contributions are
not a
condition of m
embership in the Association and a member may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Seventy percent of each cont
ribution is provided to the
Florida Realtors
PAC in Florida to support state and local candidates and state and local issues. The balance is sent to the National Association of
REALTORS® Political Action Committee and will be charged against your contribution limits prescribed by 52 U.S.C 301106, except in the case of Major
Contributors of $1,000 or more, in which case the balance is provided to the National Association of REALTORS® Political Advocacy Fund for use for federal
political purposes.
Page 3-Membership
Primary Association/Board
Realtor® Association of Sarasota and Manatee
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click to sign
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click to sign
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Revised 09/2019
Primary Association/Board REALTOR® Association of Sarasota and Manatee
This agreement is made on _______________________, 20______between the Subscriber and Stellar Multiple Listing Service.
Annual/Prorated Participation Fee $_____
New Member Setup $125 (this fee will also apply for members reinstating after 1 full billing cycle)
New Company Processing Fee $250 (this fee will also apply for brokers reinstating after 1 full billing cycle)
Member Reactivation Fee $125 (this fee will apply to members who have been inactive for less than 1 full billing
The access issued to each Participant or Subscriber is unique and strictly confidential to that person. Authorized
Participant,/Subscriber agrees that should a disclosure of account information result in access by an unauthorized third party,
Authorized Participant,/Subscriber may be subject to penalties as follows:
1) A fine of up to $15,000 (as determined by the Board of Directors) for each occurrence will be assessed against any
Participant/Subscriber found to have allowed or provided access to the Stellar MLS system by an unauthorized
2) Permanent revocation of on-line access rights for the second instance.
In compliance with Stellar MLS Rules and Regulations, this Agreement provides for the Participant,/Subscriber as a primary or
secondary member, to gain immediate access to the MLS and Public Record database for use in listing, searching and retrieving the
data contained therein. This right is contingent upon the PARTICIPANT, SUBSCRIBER completing the required training
course within the 60-day period allowed. Failure to do so will result in suspension of the right to access the MLS database.
The Participant,/Subscriber agrees to comply with Stellar MLS Rules and Regulations. Any other use, reuse, or resale of this data
is prohibited. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon initiation of service to the Participant,/Subscriber. The Agreement
is not assignable. The Participant/Subscriber hereby indemnifies the Service and any Reciprocal Service and agrees to hold
harmless from and against all claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses of any kind, including attorney’s fees, and from liability
to any person arising from a Participant,/Subscriber.
Definition of MLS Participant. Any REALTOR® of any other Association/Board or any non-Realtor® who is a principal, partner,
corporate officer, or branch office manager acting on behalf of a principal, without further qualification, except as otherwise stipulated
in these rules, shall be eligible to participate in Stellar MLS upon agreeing in writing to conform to the Rules and Regulations thereof
and to pay the costs incidental thereto. However, under no circumstances is any individual or firm, regardless of membership status,
entitled to Multiple Listing Service “membership” or “participation” unless they hold a current, valid real estate broker’s license and
offer or accept cooperation and compensation to and from other Participants or are licensed or certified by an appropriate state
regulatory agency to engage in the appraisal of real property.
** Use of information developed by or published by Stellar MLS is strictly limited to the activities authorized under a Participant’s
licensure(s) or certification and unauthorized use is prohibited. Further, none of the foregoing is intended to convey “participation” or
“membership” or any right of access to information developed by or published by a Multiple Listing Service where access to such
information is prohibited by law.
NEW (or current) Office/Company Name: _____________________________________________Firm#: _______________________________
(Please Print)
OLD Office/Company Name: _____________________________________________Firm#: _________________________________________
(Please Print)
Your Name: ____________________________________________________________ Member#: ____________________________________
(Please Print)
Attention Subscriber: MLS participation fees are paid by the authorized user directly to Stellar MLS, 247 Maitland Ave.
Suite 2000, Altamonte Spring, FL 32701. Due date is May 15 (annual). Penalties will apply to all payments not received by
5:00 P.M. The Principal Broker is ultimately responsible for the payment of all fees for participating licenses in his/her company.
**SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________________________________________________
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