Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC) Grant Program
Application Form FY 2020
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Please fasten application package with a binder clip, no three-ring or plastic binders!
1. Municipality: ________________________________
Population: _______________
2. Project Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Type of Project:
Acquisition acreage ________ New development Renovation of existing park
Project address:_______________________________________________________________________
Project acreage: ________________
Project registry information: Street address of the Registry of Deeds where the park’s deed is located:
Book: _________________ Page: ___________________
3. Contact Person:_____________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________ Fax: _________________________
Email: ____________________________
Please note: the contact person is the official representative for this project as authorized under
item #15(b) of this application, usually not the chief municipal officer.
4. Briefly describe the project on TWO attached pages. Use the PARC Rating System as an outline for the
description, as well as the items bulleted below, to ensure the maximum score possible for your project.
a.) Acquisition Projects:
site location directly serves Environmental Justice population and/or site’s distance to the nearest park
rare species (include letter from NHESP) (to determine if NHESP must approve site plans)
historic or archaeological resource (include letter from MHC) (to determine if MHC must approve site plans)
b.) Development or Renovation Projects:
describe facilities being developed (please note projects that require a significant amount of tree
removal will not be looked at favorably)
describe community needs, including park equity/need in this neighborhood
new acres dedicated as parkland
c.) All Projects:
directly serves an Environmental Justice population or area of the community that lacks park resources
(show on map) and how the project will increase recreational opportunities for residents in areas of the
state that currently do not have sufficient access
how the needs of people with disabilities have been incorporated into the project’s design (projects that
have gone above and beyond to incorporate these needs will be reviewed most favorably)
water-based recreation (include linear footage of bordering water resource)
how the project’s design incorporates climate resiliency, including the number of trees that will be
planted at the park
fiscal or future maintenance cooperation with any other governmental agency (state, federal, county),
private nonprofit, local business, etc.
applicant’s current park maintenance budget and staff levels, along with the list of properties this budget
and staff covers
consistency with any nearby State Priority Development or Preservation Areas as shown on the South
Coast Rail Corridor Plan, Merrimack Valley Land Use Priority Plan, 495/ MetroWest Development
Compact Plan, Metro North Plan, or CMRPC Plan
environmental education/interpretive services planned for site
regional or statewide facility (communities applying in these categories should submit a Usage Report)
o accessible via public transportation (within a 1/2-mile walk)
o parking for 100 (or more) vehicles
5. Proposed Funding:
The PARC Grant Program is a reimbursement program. Grant recipients are reimbursed after invoices have been paid
by the municipality. The total project cost must be raised or appropriated by the municipality shortly after
project approval if it has not already been appropriated. Costs incurred prior to grant approval and contract
execution are ineligible, including design costs. Force account labor, volunteer hours, and donations are also ineligible.
Refer to PARC regulations (Section 5.07) for eligible cost details. Sample budget can be found in Attachment E.
Total Eligible Project Cost: $___________
PARC Request: $___________
(52-70% of total project cost based on Equalized Valuation Per Capita, can be found on DCS web page, maximum
of $400,000)
Municipal Share: $___________
(Community Development Block Grant via federal or local government sources, Community Preservation Act,
etc., please specify in narrative)
Other: $___________
(i.e. private donation to community, fund raising, etc. Note that any donations for the project must be put into a
municipal account earmarked for the project as EEA can only reimburse on a canceled municipal check.)
(PARC Request + Municipal Share + Other = Total Eligible Project Cost)
Attach a one page description of the proposed project budget including:
The source of all local funding including donations and Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds.
Description of the details of any donation, if applicable (be sure these funds are gifted to the community and
earmarked for the project).
Description of any other sources of funding including federal, state, municipal, or nonprofit organizations. List
these partners and describe their contribution. Not all sources of state and federal funds are compatible with
every DCS grant program.
Budget should be broken into two distinct fiscal years for renovation and development projects FY 20 costs
associated with design, FY 21 costs associated with construction. Please note that PARC grants cannot
reimburse municipalities for design costs only.
6. Project Type: Please indicate type of project, refer to the program’s regulations for definitions (Sec 5:03) and to the
list of required attachments found at the end of this application form to substantiate any "yes" answers. Indicate here
Your municipality is an urban population center (city of any size or town with 35,000 or more residents)
Your project qualifies as a regional or statewide project (town with 35,000 or less residents whose proposed
project has public transportation access and/or over 100 car parking) (submit a Usage Report)
Your project qualifies as a "small town" project (town with 35,000 or less residents)please note that these
applications will be competing amongst themselves in a separate pool for $400,000
Your municipality is on Cape Cod or the Islands (eligible for $400,000 grant award maximum)
7. Community Preservation Act
Has your community passed the Community Preservation Act?
Yes No
If “yes”, please note that successful grant applicants that have purchased real property interests for open space or
recreational purposes using money from the Community Preservation Fund must have all conservation restrictions
required by Section 12 of Chapter 44B approved by the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs and recorded prior
to receipt of final project reimbursement from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. Also, any
communities that have acquired land through the Cape Cod Land Bank must show CRs as well (for file records only).
8. Describe outstanding leases, restrictions or other rights or interests held by others in the project site and
enclosed copy of the same (for file records only).
9. Is the property permanently dedicated for park, playground, or recreation purposes (MGL Chapter 45,
Section 3 or 14)? If not, please submit draft dedication language for DCS review as all PARC Grant Program projects
must be dedicated for park, playground, or recreation purposes.
Yes No
10. Are fees currently charged or proposed for this facility? If yes, please attach a copy of the fee system. Charging
fees is allowed subject to DCS approval. If applicant is awarded a grant, the site cannot be restricted to municipal
residents only. If fees are charged based on residency, fees for nonresidents are subject to Section 5.08(3) of the PARC
Grant Program regulations (for file records only).
Yes (copy attached) No
11. Municipal Open Space and Recreation Plan
Describe how your project meets the recommendations in your current Open Space and Recreation Plan. To receive
points in this category, you must cite specific goals, objectives, and/or actions from the Action Plan and the associated
page number references. If we already have a copy of your plan, there is no need to submit another copy.
Goal, objective, or action plan item from current OSRP
Page #
12. Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
Describe how your project advances the Outdoor Recreation Goals and Objectives (Chapter 5) in the Statewide
Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. It can be found online at
13. Enhanced Outreach to Environmental Justice Populations
Describe how Environmental Justice populations in your community (or neighboring communities) were able to
participate in the project selection and design process. Please include any flyers, mailings, etc. that were
distributed to the community and list here where they were distributed.
14. Community Compact
Has your community signed a Community Compact?
Yes No
If “yes”, please list the Sustainable Development and Land Protection Best Practices included in it.
15. Municipal Vulnerability Program
Is your community an MVP Community?
Yes No
If “yes”, please describe how this application supports a priority implementation project within your MVP plan.
16. Housing Choice Initiative Program
Has your community been designed as a Housing Choice Community? For more information please visit
Yes No
17. Check the following if applicable to project (for file records only):
Yes No Prime agricultural lands (see Ex. Order #193)
Yes No Cultural, historic, archeological site: Contact MA Historical Commission (617) 727-
Yes No Endangered species habitat: Contact MA Natural Heritage Program (508) 389-6300
Yes No Environmental intrusion, i.e. overhead power lines (must be buried), safety hazards
Yes No Brownfield 21E evaluation
Yes No Located in the State Priority Preservation Area as shown on the South Coast Rail
Corridor Plan, Merrimack Valley Land Use Priority Plan, or the 495/MetroWest Development Compact
Plan, Metro North Plan, or CMRPC Plan
Yes No Environmental Justice population (see EJ data viewer at
Acquisition projects only
Yes No Acquisition involving relocation of residents, tenants, or businesses
Do you have a Purchase and Sales Agreement or Agreed Price? Ye s No
If yes, amount: $ __________
Is Clear Title available? Ye s No
If no, is an eminent domain taking anticipated? Ye s No
If yes, proposed pro tanto award amount: $ __________
Note that if clear title is not available, the community may decide to acquire the property by a friendly taking
(eminent domain) process to clear the title. It is best to know if there is a potential title problem as soon as
possible since this can complicate the acquisition process.
Appraisal Report #1 Appraisal Report #2 (if needed) (see section 2B for
Valuation: $ Valuation: $______________________
Appraiser: Appraiser: ______________________
Valuation Date: Valuation Date: ______________________
18. Check if the following permits are required (for file records only):
Yes No U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (404 or Rivers and Waterways)
Yes No MA DEP Division of Wetlands & Waterways (617) 292-5518
Yes No U.S. Coast Guard
Yes No U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (Zoos)
Yes No C. 131 s. 40 Wetlands (municipal conservation commission)
Yes No MEPA Review (301 CMR 11.00: MEPA Regulations) (617) 626-1020
If any of the above permits are required, the permit or application for the permit must be
submitted. Should the project be selected for funding, the permit will be required as part of
the final application.
19. Attach certification of:
a. The Chief Executive Officer’s legal authorization to execute contracts. This is a resolution,
motion, or similar action that has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the community's
governing body that authorizes the filing of the applications, including all understandings and assurances
contained therein by the signatory, usually a page from the town/city charter will satisfy this
requirement (this is not a DCS form to be completed); and
b. Authorization from chief municipal officer identifying individual named on the first page of this
application who acts as official of municipality in connection with the application and who will provide
such additional information as may be required (See Urban Self-Help Regulations 5.04:(6)).
_____________ _____________________________________________
Date Signature of Chief Municipal Officer
Name and Title (Typed)
Duration of Term
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________
REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (applications that are missing these items will not be accepted)
Municipal Open Space and Recreation Plan, if not already approved and on file at DCS. Plans are
approved by DCS for up to seven years of eligibility in DCS grant programs. Community is not eligible to
apply without an approved plan, or submission of a draft plan. (If we have it on file, do not send another
Acquisition Projects Appraisal report(s) as required by DCS. See Section 2B for more details.
RECOMMENDED ATTACHMENTS (use as a checklist)
(provides details to information requested and assists in project evaluation)
Project Description (application item #4) and Budget Details (application item #5), including a
breakdown of how much is needed for design costs in FY 20 and construction costs in FY 21. Please note that
funds not used in FY 20 do not roll over into FY 21. A sample budget can be found in Attachment E.
Development & Renovation Projects Site Development Plans and Cost Estimates. Services of a
professional design firm are recommended for renovation and development projects. Costs incurred prior to
the signing of a state standard contract are NOT eligible for reimbursement. Site Development Plans and
Cost Estimates should show the number of trees that will be planted at the site. Projects that propose
removing significant numbers of trees will not be looked at favorably.
Boundary Plan of Site (Survey or Plot Plan with adequate metes and boundary descriptions). The boundary
plan submitted with the project application becomes the permanent protected boundary for the site and must
be legally sufficient to identify the land to be protected. A registered survey plan with deed references or
assessor’s map with block and lot number are acceptable.
USGS Locus Map showing outline of project site, proximate Priority Development and Preservation Areas
as shown on the South Coast Rail Corridor Plan, Merrimack Valley Land Use Priority Plan, 495/MetroWest
Development Compact Plan, Metro North Plan, or CMRPC Plan, any adjacent or nearby public or quasi-public
parkland, and EJ populations in project site area. Please include the park boundaries on the map (do not just
use a point). See Attachment F for a sample.
Evidence of public meeting on proposed project to EJ population(s) (copy of actual posted
announcement). Post notices with tenants associations, in local grocery stores, or with Community
Development Corporations in languages that are appropriate for the population. Please look at EEA’s
Environmental Justice Policy online at
policy.pdf to ensure proper outreach procedures in EJ populations.
Usage Report only if your project is Regional or Statewide (Attachment C).
Certified copies of the following municipal votes (or draft warrant article or city council order, as
necessary). Refer to the Sample Municipal Vote, which is included in the application package, for guidance.
PARC Grant Program grant manager MUST review municipal vote prior to Town Meeting or City Council
Copy of municipal vote accepting the Park Commission (M.G.L. c.45 s.2) AND its current appointments.
Municipal vote authorizing application; raising, borrowing or appropriating the total project cost
(application item #5); and dedicating land to park, playground, or recreation purposes (application item
Copy of property deed confirming municipal ownership and dedication to park, playground, or recreation
Current park maintenance budget and staff levels, along with the list of properties this budget and staff
Other State Agency Reviewif it is not possible to include their response in the application package to
DCS, attach a copy of your cover letter requesting their input.
All applicants must request comments from the Massachusetts Natural Heritage & Endangered Species
Program (NHESP) on the presence or absence of rare species listed under the Massachusetts Endangered
Species Act (MESA) on or near the proposed land acquisition or park project. To request comments,
please send a letter or email to Lynn Harper, Habitat Protection Specialist, Natural Heritage &
Endangered Species Program, DFW, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581, or to
. The letter or email should include a brief description of the acquisition or
project, and a map of the acquisition or project location. There is no charge for this comment letter.
Massachusetts Historical Commission: Send the MHC a PNF
) with a photocopy of the USGS locus map with the
property boundaries clearly indicated, smaller-scale property maps if available, and a cover letter to include
information about any known historic or archaeological sites. Send this certified mail, return receipt
requested, so that you know when it was received. MHC will review and comment to DCS (and copy the
applicant) within 30 days of receipt. There is no need to telephone or email the MHC. See these
webpages for any questions:
http://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhcpdf/pnfguide.pdf and
Copies of current leases, restrictions, or other rights or interests held by others in the property.
Fee schedule.
Any necessary permits or applications for permits.
If grant is awarded to the community, the following will be required of CPA communities:
Evidence of recorded Conservation Restriction(s) as required in Section 12 of Chapter 44B if applicant is a
Community Preservation Act community.
Section 12 of the Chapter 44B Real property interest; deed restriction; management
(a) A real property interest that is acquired with monies from the Community Preservation Fund shall be bound by
a permanent restriction, recorded as a separate instrument, that meets the requirements of sections 31 to 33,
inclusive, of chapter 184 limiting the use of the interest to the purpose for which it was acquired. The permanent
restriction shall run with the land and shall be enforceable by the city or town or the commonwealth. The
permanent restriction may also run to the benefit of a nonprofit organization, charitable corporation or foundation
selected by the city or town with the right to enforce the restriction. The legislative body may appropriate monies
from the Community Preservation Fund to pay a non-profit organization created pursuant to chapter 180 to hold,
monitor and enforce the deed restriction on the property.
(b) Real property interests acquired under this chapter shall be owned and managed by the city or town, but the
legislative body may delegate management of such property to the conservation commission, the historical
commission, the board of park commissioners or the housing authority, or, in the case of interests to acquire sites
for future wellhead development by a water district, a water supply district or a fire district. The legislative body
may also delegate management of such property to a nonprofit organization created under chapter 180 or chapter