Individuals within the NCJA who have direct access to CHRI or to systems containing CHRI are
subject to criminal history record checks performed by the DCJIS. The NCJA agrees to ensure
that all affected personnel are screened as provided in this agreement.
Access will be denied if the individual has ever had a felony conviction of any kind, no matter
when it occurred. Access may be denied if the individual has one or more recent misdemeanor
convictions. In addition, an individual believed to be a fugitive from justice, or having an arrest
history without convictions, will be reviewed to determine if access to CHRI is appropriate. The
DCJIS will take into consideration extenuating circumstances where the severity of the offense
and the time that has passed would support a possible variance.
In addition to the above, CHRI access will be discontinued for any person who is subsequently
arrested for, or convicted of, a crime. The NCJA’s Local Agency Security Officer (LASO) must
report such incidents to the CJIS Systems Officer at the DCJIS for review before access may be
reinstated. The NCJA further agrees that where authorized by law, support personnel,
contractors, vendors, and custodial workers with access to controlled areas during CHRI
processing will undergo state and/or national criminal background checks unless escorted by
authorized personnel at all times.
The LASO will be responsible for reporting all personnel security clearance requests and issues
to the DCJIS CSO within five (5) business days.
An informed review of CHRI results requires training. As such, the NCJA agrees that all
authorized personnel, including those personnel with direct access to SAFIS-R and those that
will access SAFIS results, will complete the required training and review all training materials
made available by the DCJIS every two years. Furthermore, all authorized personnel must also
execute a Criminal Record Information (CORI/CHRI) Individual Agreement of Non-Disclosure
(AOND) form.
The NCJA is responsible for ensuring the physical and electronic security of CHRI at all times.
Therefore, the NCJA must adhere to the following:
1. CHRI shall only be processed in controlled areas with limited access.
2. Computers which provide access to CHRI data shall not be logged in when unattended.
3. Authorized users shall not share Usernames and Passwords.
4. Documents shall not be left out in the open as they could be viewed by unauthorized
5. Computer screens and CHRI shall not be viewable by unauthorized individuals.
6. File cabinets and record rooms shall be locked when unattended.