AFSL 238069
RSEL L0001397
ABN 48 882 817 243
1922 Scheme
RSE R1004649
ABN 19 415 776 361
DFRB Scheme
RSE R1000306
ABN 50 925 523 120
DFRDB Scheme
ABN 39 798 362 763
RSE R1004595
ABN 74 172 177 893
PNG Scheme
RSE R1004601
ABN 65 127 917 725
Commonwealth Superannuaon Corporaon (CSC) ABN: 48 882 817 243, AFSL: 238069, RSEL: L0001397
Defence Force
Rerement and Death
Benets Scheme
ABN: 39 798 362 763
Australian Defence
Force Superannuaon
ABN: 90 302 247 344
RSE: R1077063
Superannuaon Scheme
ABN: 19 415 776 361
RSE: R1004649
Public Sector
accumulaon plan
ABN: 65 127 917 725
RSE: R1004601
Military Superannuaon
and Benets Scheme
ABN: 50 925 523 120
RSE: R1000306
Australian Defence
Force Cover
ABN: 64 250 674 722
Public Sector
Superannuaon Scheme
ABN: 74 172 177 893
RSE: R1004595
1922 Scheme
DFRB Scheme
PNG Scheme
CSC rerement income
A partial invalidity pension (PIP) is a payment made to an eligible customer of PSS who has incurred
a permanent decrease in salary due to sickness or injury. A loss of recognised allowances for
medical reasons may also attract a PIP. A PIP may also apply in circumstances where an invalidity
pensioner returns to work in a position where their annual salary is less than the equivalent of the
annual salary they received when they retired on invalidity grounds.
PIP may not be paid to employees who are:
• casual members, or re-employed invalidity pensioners who were casual members at the time of
their retirement.
• limited benefits members (LBM), or PSS customers who would have been LBM if they had not
failed to disclose medical evidence on entry or re-entry to the scheme.
• PSS customers who are receiving any compensation for the condition which is causing the
decrease in salary.
• PSS customers who have reached the maximum retiring age.
After receiving medical advice from both a treating doctor and independent medical examiner that
your employee should reduce their hours and/or level because of physical or mental incapacity, and
that this change means they have suffered a permanent decrease in basic salary and/or allowances,
complete this application form and submit it to us along with the documents listed in . You
can submit your application to us via email at
For more information on partial invalidity pensions, including more detail on the application process
and the documents you need to submit with this application form, refer to our website. You can also
call us on or email
We’re committed to protecting your privacy. We collect your personal information for the purposes
of providing superannuation services to you, improving our products and keeping you informed.
We will only share your personal information where necessary for providing superannuation
services to you. This may include disclosing your personal information to our scheme administrator,
service providers or government or regulatory bodies. Your personal information may be accessed
overseas by our service providers. Please see our privacy policy for full details. Your personal
information will not be otherwise used or disclosed unless required or permitted
under law. A full copy of our privacy policy as well as the privacy complaint process is available at
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