For taxation purposes, your lump sum benefit is called a Superannuation Lump Sum Payment.
The start date relates to the date your eligible service period (ESP) started and is used to calculate the various components
of your Superannuation Lump Sum Payment for taxation purposes.
Generally, your ESP is the number of days between the date you started your current employment (which may be earlier
than the date you joined CSS or PSS), and the date your payment is made. If you were formerly a CSS member who started
membership before 1 July 1983 and you have a long service leave start date that is earlier than your CSS start date, that earlier
date applies as your ESP start date.
Earlier periods of employment for which you paid a transfer value into CSS or PSS are added to your ESP. If this is the case,
please fill in the start date of that earlier service.
If you do not show a date in this section, we will use the date on which you joined PSS as your start date (unless you
transferred from CSS, in which case we will use your CSS start date). If you are leaving your entire benefit (including any
transfer amounts) preserved in PSS you do not need to fill out this section.
In accordance with the Taxation Laws Amendment (Tax File Numbers) Act 1988, we are required to deduct PAYG tax at the
top marginal rate plus the Medicare levy from benefits if a person does not provide a TFN.
If you have not been issued a TFN you should lodge an Australian Taxation Office (ATO) application/enquiry form with the
ATO. Forms are available at or all ATO branches. You must provide proof of identity at the time you lodge the form.
We will provide your TFN to the receiving fund unless you instruct us not to. Please note that there are consequences for
not supplying your TFN to a fund.
We are required to validate your TFN with the ATO’s records to confirm the TFN provided is yours and correct. Your TFN
will be validated before your benefit can be rolled over to another fund or paid using the SuperTICK validation service. If you
do not provide your TFN, the processing of your benefit payment may be delayed.
Your PSS membership will not cease until you have become a member of another superannuation scheme. It is not sufficient
that you elect to cease PSS membership; you must also become a member of another superannuation scheme for the
cessation of your PSS membership to take effect. Therefore, your cessation date is the day BEFORE the date you join your
new fund.
When you have completed and F of this form please give the form to your personnel section so they
can complete the relevant section. Your personnel section will forward the completed form to us.
Personal information that you or a third party provide, such as your employer, is collected, held, used and disclosed as required
or authorised by law in accordance with the privacy policies and notice, available via or by contacting us on
, for the purpose of managing your super. This includes the management of superannuation investments,
providing superannuation products and information, the administration of accounts, conducting market research and product
development. The privacy policies and notice contain important information about how personal information is handled,
including rights to access and update that information and how a complaint about a breach of privacy can be made.
We will preserve your benefit in PSS and it is important that you advise us of any change in your postal address. This will
enable us to forward information to you each year regarding your benefit.
if you are a preserved benefit member and don’t advise us of your change of address, we may treat you as a
‘lost member’. This may ultimately result in your benefit being classed as ‘unclaimed’ once you reach 65.
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