9079 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Portland, OR 97222
Phone: 503 872 5000 Fax: 503 872 5266 Toll free: 800 452 OLCC
I affirm and attest that I am authorized by the Licensee of Record for this license to complete and submit
this form to the OLCC. I further affirm and attest:
The Licensee of Record for this license will follow the Oregon Health Authority’s (OHA) phase
reopening guidance for restaurants, bars, breweries, tasting rooms, and distilleries.
The Licensee of Record for this license will be the only OLCC-approved licensee in the area
described in #8 above.
If the new area is an outdoor area it will either:
Abut, adjoin, or share a border with an already OLCC-licensed building or outdoor area; or
If the new area does not abut, adjoin, or share a border with an already OLCC-licensed
building or outdoor area, the licensee of record for this license will follow OAR 845-006-
0309 available here: OAR 845-006-0309
If the Licensee of Record for this license wants to allow minors in the newly expanded area, it will ensure
that either:
The primary activity in the expanded area is for patrons consuming food; or
If the primary activity in the expanded area is not solely for patrons consuming food, then
to allow minors in the newly expanded area, it MUST NOT have a combination of several
factors that would not be appropriate for minors, such as dim lighting and the conspicuous
display of multiple alcohol signs, banners, and posters. If this is the case, the on-site
service and consumption of alcoholic beverages may be the primary activity in the newly
expanded area.
If the new area, whether outdoor or indoor, does not abut, adjoin, or share a border with an area
already licensed by the OLCC, only licensee’s staff may transport containers of alcoholic beverages
between areas approved by the OLCC for on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages (these
containers may be open or closed).
The Licensee of Record for this license is still responsible for following all OLCC laws and rules and
following the requirements of other agencies (including federal, state, county, and city).
licensee may apply to expand a service area even if the licensee is not yet in a county that has been
approved by the Governor to reopen.
Submit you application to this email: OLCC.Covid19-ReopenExtend@oregon.gov
OLCC offices are open only by APPOINTMENT.
Find your local OLCC office here: OLCC offices & the counties they serve
Rev 6/5/20