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Fees and deposits are intended to cover the full cost for processing applications. They are not intended to cover the cost for
interpretation of ordinances or for long-range planning. Development requiring more than one type of review (such as site plans
and conditional use permits) must pay all applicable fees and deposits
Application Deposits: Certain application fees are represented by a deposit amount. Applicants shall be charged for actual
processing costs incurred by the City. City staff time shall be monitored for applications which require a deposit in lieu of a non-
refundable fee. Any unused portion of the deposit shall be returned to the applicant upon completion of the application process,
conditions of approval, and any ensuing appeals. Any additional costs incurred beyond the deposit amount shall be charged to
and paid by the applicant on a monthly basis.
Application Fees: Fixed fees are non-refundable and are based on average application processing costs rounded to the nearest
Technical Review/Publication Deposit: The actual costs charged to the City for technical review of land use applications shall be
charged to the applicant. In addition, the actual costs of preparing and mailing notices to abutting property owners or others
required to be notified, the costs of publishing notices in newspapers, and any other mandated costs shall be charged to the
applicant. Such costs shall be adjusted as soon as the specific amounts are known and any deficiency collected from the applicant,
petitioner, or appellant before any further proceedings are had, or any overpayment refunded.
(1) Petitions, applications and appeals provided for in this ordinance shall be made on forms prescribed by the City.
(2) An applicant shall be advised that all permits or zone changes necessary for a development project may be merged into a
consolidated review process. Zone changes and permits required through the application of the overlay district and
discretionary permit procedures shall be available for a consolidated permit process. For purposes of this ordinance, a
consolidated permit process shall mean that the hearing body shall, to the greatest extent possible, apply concurrent notice,
public hearing and decision making procedures to the permits and zone changes which have been consolidated for review.
(3) Applications shall be accompanied by plans and specifications drawn to scale, showing the actual shape and dimensions of
the lot to be built upon; the sizes and locations on the lot of all existing and proposed structures; the intended use of each
structure; the number of families, if any, to be accommodated thereon; the relationship of the property to the surrounding
area and such other information as is needed to determine conformance with this ordinance.
(4) The failure to raise an issue in person or by letter filed in a timely manner precludes appeal and the failure to specify to
which criterion the comment is directed, precludes appeal based on that criterion.
(5) Approval or denial of a land use regulation or limited land use application shall be based upon and accompanied by a brief
statement that explains the criteria and standards considered relevant to the decision, states the facts relied upon and
explains the justification for the decision based on the criteria standards and facts set forth.
(6) The decision of the Planning Commission will be issued with a Final Order. If a written Notice of Appeal is not filed within 15
days from the date the Final Order of the Planning Commission is mailed, the decision becomes final.
PRIOR TO PREPARING AN APPLICATION, applicants should check with City Staff to make sure they have the most updated
versions of the Veneta Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Ordinance, and Land Division Ordinance. Ordinances are
available on the City website, www.venetaoregon.gov