This form should be used to apply for a license to do business as a foreign nonprofit corporation.
Please select the appropriate box to indicate whether the application is being made to obtain a
temporary or a permanent license. A temporary license allows a corporation to transact business in
Ohio for a period of six months. Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §1703.13, no foreign corporation
shall be granted more than two temporary licenses within any period of three years. A permanent
license allows a corporation to transact business in Ohio until the license is cancelled or surrendered.
Please complete the entire form (as applicable) whether you have selected a temporary or
permanent license.
Certificate of Good Standing
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §1703.27, to obtain a license to transact business in Ohio, a foreign
nonprofit corporation must file a certificate of good standing or subsistence, setting forth the exact
corporate title and the fact that the corporation is in good standing or is a subsisting corporation,
certified by the secretary of state, or other proper official, of the state under the laws of which the
corporation was incorporated.
General Corporation Information
Please state the name of the corporation. Also, provide the name of the jurisdiction under the laws of
which it was incorporated (jurisdiction of formation). Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §1703.27(C)
and (E), provide the complete address of the corporation's principal office (non-Ohio) and the
complete address of the principal office in Ohio.
Purpose Clause
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §1703.27(D), please state the corporate purpose or privileges it
proposes to exercise in Ohio.
Original Appointment of Statutory Agent
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §1703.41, a foreign nonprofit corporation that is licensed to transact
business in Ohio must appoint and maintain an agent to accept service of process on behalf of the
corporation. The statutory agent must be one of the following: (1) A natural person who is a resident
of this state; or (2) A domestic or foreign corporation, nonprofit corporation, limited liability company,
partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited partnership association,
professional association, business trust, or unincorporated nonprofit association that has a business
address in this state. If the agent is a business entity then the agent must meet the requirements of
Title XVII of the Revised Code to transact business or exercise privileges in Ohio.
By completing and signing the form, the corporation agrees to the statements listed below the
statutory agent appointment. This gives consent to service of process on the agent so long as the
authority of the agent continues. Also, the corporation agrees to service of process upon the
secretary of state if (1) the agent cannot be found; (2) the corporation fails to designate another
agent when required to do so; (3) or the corporation's license to do business in Ohio expires or is
Application for Foreign Nonprofit Corporation Application for License
Last Revised: 9/24/2015
Form 530B