SFN 13002 (7-2013) Page 2
North Dakota Century Code Chapter 10-31 allows the formation of a professional corporation. A corporation is established when articles of
incorporation are filed with the Secretary of State or at a later date as specified in the Articles of Incorporation.
FILING FEES: $100.00. If the corporation selects a corporate name that is the same as, or deceptively similar to, the name of another
organization registered with the Secretary of State, an additional $10 is required for filing each Consent to Use Business Name that may be
required. (Checks must be payable to "Secretary of State" and must be for U.S. negotiable funds. Payment may also be made by credit card
using VISA, MasterCard, or Discover.)
ATTACHMENT: A professional corporation must support the Articles of Incorporation with a certificate from the regulating board of the
profession involved certifying that each of the directors and shareholders are licensed to practice the profession. A copy of an individual's
professional license is not acceptable.
The sentence immediately above Article 1 is declaring the incorporators as being eighteen years of age and governance under North Dakota
Century Code, Chapter 10-31.
The following article numbers correspond to the numbered sections on the form.
Provide the corporate name. The name must be expressed in characters or letters in the English language as those characters
or letters appear in the American Standard Code of Information Interchange (ASCII) table. The name must include the word
"chartered", "limited", or the words "professional corporation", "professional association", or an abbreviation of one of these.
The name may not be the same as, or deceptively similar to, any other corporate name, limited liability company name, trade
name, limited partnership name, limited liability limited partnership name, or a name that is in any manner reserved with the
Secretary of State.
The name may not include such words as "bank", "banker", "banking", "trust", or "trust company", or any other word or words of
like import unless the Articles of Incorporation are supported by a written approval for the use from the Department of Financial
Institutions. These words are preserved by North Dakota law for use by the Bank of North Dakota, state and national banks,
and trust companies. Contact information:
ND Department of Financial Institutions
2000 Schafer St Ste G
Bismarck, ND 58501-1204
Phone: (701) 328-9933
Email: dfi@nd.gov
Filing of the Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State provides protection of the corporate name in North
Dakota. However, if a mark is registered with the Patent and Trademark Office in Washington, D.C., the federal
registration may supersede the protection afforded by state law.
A corporation must continuously maintain a commercial or noncommercial registered agent and address in North Dakota. A
corporation cannot serve itself as its registered agent.
A commercial registered agent must be registered as a commercial registered agent with the North Dakota Secretary of State.
The appointed agent can verify their status as a commercial registered agent from their acknowledged filing and from the list of
commercial registered agents maintained on the Secretary of State's website at www.nd.gov/sos.
A noncommercial registered agent may be one of the following:
A corporation or limited liability company appointed as a noncommercial registered agent must be registered with the Secretary
of State, be in good standing, and have a business address in North Dakota. If a corporation or limited liability company is
named as a noncommercial registered agent, provide the "correct" name of the organization.
Seek the approval of the party before naming them as the commercial or noncommercial registered agent. Proof of the
approval is not required to be filed with the Secretary of State.
An individual residing in North Dakota,
A domestic or foreign corporation, or
A domestic or foreign limited liability company
If a commercial registered agent is being appointed, provide the correct name as registered with the North Dakota Secretary of
State. If the name in Article 2.A. is not the same as registered by the commercial registered agent, the name will be corrected
by the Secretary of State when the document is reviewed.
If a noncommercial registered agent is being appointed, provide the correct name. If another corporation or limited liability
company is appointed as registered agent and the name of that organization in Article 2.B. is not the same as registered, the
name will be corrected by the Secretary or State when the document is reviewed.
Provide the complete address of the principal executive office. The address cannot be only a post office box.
If a noncommercial registered agent is being appointed, provide the complete address which may not be only a post office box.
Leave this line blank if a commercial registered agent is appointed. If a commercial registered agent is named in Article 2.
A. and an address is provided in Article 2.C., the address will be removed by the Secretary of State.