Please make checks or money orders payable to: "Ohio Secretary of State"
Type of Service Being Requested: (PLEASE CHECK ONE BOX BELOW)
Phone Number:
(If necessary)
To the attention of:
(Individual or Business Name)
Please return the approval certificate to:
ZIP Code:
E-mail Address:
Check here if you would like to receive important notices via e-mail from the Ohio Secretary of State's
office regarding Business Services.
Check here if you would like to be signed up for our Filing Notification System for the business entity
being created or updated by filing this form. This is a free service provided to notify you via e-mail when
any document is filed on your business record.
Expedite Service 3: By including an Expedite fee of $300.00, in addition to the regular filing fee on page
one of the form, the filing will be processed within 4 hours after it is received by our office, if received by 1:00
This service is only available to walk-in customers who hand deliver the document to the Client Service Center.
Expedite Service 2: By including an Expedite fee of $200.00, in addition to the regular filing fee on page
one of the form, the filing will be processed within 1 business day after it is received by our office.
This service
is only available to walk-in customers who hand deliver the document to the Client Service Center.
Expedite Service 1: By including an Expedite fee of $100.00, in addition to the regular filing fee on page
one of the form, the filing will be processed within 2 business days after it is received by our office.
Regular Service: Only the filing fee listed on page one of the form is required and the filing will be
processed in approximately 3-7 business days. The processing time may vary based on the volume of
filings received by our office.
Preclearance Filing: For the purpose of advising as to the acceptability of the proposed filing, a form that is
to be submitted at a later date for processing may be submitted for examination for a fee of $50.00. The
Preclearance will be complete within 1-2 business days.
Last Revised: 5/14/2014
(2) Registration of a Foreign Nonprofit
Limited Liability Company
ORC 1705
(1) Registration of a Foreign For-Profit Limited
Liability Company
ORC 1705
Registration of a Foreign
Limited Liability Company
Filing Fee: $99
Form Must Be Typed
Last Revised: 9/24/2015
Form 533B Page 1 of 2
Jurisdiction of Formation
Date of Formation Date of Formation
Jurisdiction of Formation
Name under which the foreign limited liability company desires to transact business in Ohio (if different from its name in its
jurisdiction of formation) is:
The address to which interested persons may direct requests for copies of the limited liability company's operating
agreement, bylaws, or other charter documents of the company is:
Name must include one of the following words or abbreviations: "limited liability company," "limited," "LLC," "L.L.C.," "ltd.," or "ltd"
ZIP CodeStateCity
Mailing Address
Name of Limited Liability Company in its jurisdiction of formation
Form 533B Prescribed by:
By signing and submitting this form to the Ohio Secretary of State, the undersigned hereby certifies that he or she
has the requisite authority to execute this document.
Must be signed by an
authorized representative.
If authorized representative
is an individual, then they
must sign in the "signature"
box and print their name
in the "Print Name" box.
If authorized representative
is a business entity, not an
individual, then please print
the business name in the
"signature" box, an
authorized representative
of the business entity
must sign in the "By" box
and print their name in the
"Print Name" box.
Last Revised: 9/24/2015
Form 533B Page 2 of 2
The limited liability company hereby appoints the following as its agent upon whom process against the limited liability
company may be served in the state of Ohio. The name and complete address of the agent is
The limited liability company irrevocably consents to service of process on the agent listed above as long as
the authority of the agent continues, and to service of process upon the Ohio Secretary of State if:
a. an agent is not appointed, or
b. an agent is appointed but the authority of that agent has been revoked, or
c. the agent cannot be found or served after the exercise of reasonable diligence.
Mailing Address
City State ZIP Code
Print Name
Print Name
By (if applicable)
By (if applicable)
By (if applicable)
Print Name
This form should be used if you wish to register a foreign for-profit or nonprofit limited liability company
to transact business in Ohio.
If you wish to register a foreign for-profit limited liability company, please select box 1. If you wish to
register a foreign nonprofit limited liability company, please select box 2. Please complete the entire form
(as required) whether you have selected box 1 or box 2. Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code
§1705.54(A)(2), indicate the state in which the foreign limited liability company was organized and the
date of its formation.
Name of Limited Liability Company
The name of the foreign limited liability company, as registered in its state of organization, must be
provided. Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §1705.05, the name used in Ohio must include one of the
following: “limited liability company,” “limited,” “LLC,” “L.L.C.,” “ltd.” or “ltd”.
Additional Provisions
If the information you wish to provide for the record does not fit on the form, attach additional provisions
on a single-sided, 8 ½ x 11 sheet(s) of paper.
Address to Contact
An address to which interested persons may direct requests for copies of the articles of organization,
operating agreement, bylaws, or other charter documents of the company must be provided pursuant to
Ohio Revised Code §1705.54(A) (5).
Original Appointment of Statutory Agent
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §1705.54(A)(3), a foreign limited liability company must appoint a
statutory agent to accept service of process on behalf of the company. We cannot accept articles of
organization unless the statutory agent information is provided. The statutory agent must be one of the
following: (1) A natural person who is a resident of this state; or (2) A domestic or foreign corporation,
nonprofit corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability
partnership, limited partnership association, professional association, business trust, or unincorporated
nonprofit association that has a business address in this state. If the agent is a business entity then the
agent must meet the requirements of Title XVII of the Revised Code to transact business or exercise
privileges in Ohio.
Consent Statement
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §1705.54(A)(4), by signing this document the limited liability company
irrevocably consents to service of process upon the listed agent and to service of process upon the Ohio
Secretary of State if an agent is not appointed, or an agent is appointed but the authority of that agent
has been revoked, or the agent cannot be found or served after the exercise of due diligence.
Last Revised: 9/24/2015
Form 533B
Instructions for Registration of a Foreign Limited Liability Company
After completing all information on the filing form, please make sure that page 2 is signed by at least one
authorized representative of the limited liability company.
**Note for Nonprofit LLCs
Filing with the Ohio Secretary of State's office is not sufficient to obtain state or federal tax exemptions.
The Secretary of State does not grant tax exempt status. You must contact the Ohio Department of
Taxation and the Internal Revenue Service to ensure that the nonprofit limited liability company secures
the proper state and federal tax exemptions.
**Note: Our office cannot file or record a document which contains a social security number or
tax identification number. Please do not enter a social security number or tax identification
number, in any format, on this form.
Last Revised: 9/24/2015
Form 533B