Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service Home Fire Safety Self Checker
Watch our DVD and then go around your home with this checklist to find fire risks and use
the advice to help you make you and everyone in your home safer.
Use only those with the British standard kite mark or EU
Switch them off before going to bed if advised to by the
Have them tested regularly as per the instructions.
Are all flexes and cables in
good condition?
If NO: Get them replaced. Worn wires can cause electric shock
and/or fires
Are plugs and sockets used
correctly & not overloaded?
If NO: Check the correct fuse is used. Avoid block adaptors
instead use trailing adaptors and don’t exceed 13 amps in total
Do cables run under carpets
or floor coverings?
If YES: Cable may wear and cause fires and/or electrical shock.
Check the condition of cables and reroute them. Consult a
qualified electrician if you have any doubt
Are all unused electrical
appliances unplugged
especially last thing at night?
If NO: Include this in your bed time routine, it will also save you
money, appliances on standby can use up to 66% of the power
they use when turned on.
Do you use electric hair
straightners or hair dryers?
If YES: Never leave them on beds or combustible surfaces if hot
or plugged in, or where they may fall or be knocked onto them.
Ensure cables are not twisted, coiled or damaged and plugs are
correctly wired
Are floor coverings loose or
raised and may cause
people to trip or slip?
If YES: These can cause slips, trips and falls Replace repair or
remove loose or dangerous floor coverings and ensure they do
not slip easily on wet or shiny floors.
Are there aerosols placed on
heaters or in the window?
If YES: Many aerosols contain flammable Gasses and can be
heated by radiators, heaters or sunlight and explode.
Do you have a phone or
other means of calling 999 in
the bedroom?
If NO: If there is a fire in your home at night and your escape is
blocked by fire or smoke a phone in your bedroom will let you
call 999
Do you know how you would
escape if you were trapped
in your bedroom by fire
and/or smoke?
If NO: Plan your escape route taking into account double glazed
windows that may not be able to be open far enough to allow
you to escape. Always know where your window lock keys are
and what to do if you are trapped.
Is there a door and does it
fully close into the frame?
If NO: A well fitted door will give you more time to escape if it is
closed and you have a working smoke detector to warn you
Are there aerosols placed on
heaters or in the window?
If YES: Many aerosols contain flammable Gasses and can be
heated by radiators, heaters or sunlight and explode.
Are electrics operated by pull
cord or sensor switches?
If NO: Operating electrical switches with wet hands can cause
an electric shock
Are portable electrical
appliances used in the
If YES: Portable electric appliances such as heaters, hairdryers
or straightners can come into contact with water and cause
electric shock
Are floor coverings loose or
raised and may cause
people to trip or slip?
If YES: These can cause slips, trips and falls Replace repair or
remove loose or dangerous floor coverings and ensure they do
not slip easily on wet or shiny floors.
Does anyone use candles or
burners in the bathroom?
If YES: Ensure these are placed in suitable holders and not on
plastic or flammable surfaces such as a plastic bath as these
can melt through and cause fire or flood.
Is this empty of aerosols and
flammable liquids and are
combustibles such as towels
kept away from electrics?
If NO: Aerosols can explode in heat, flammable liquids can
expand and leak coming into contact with electrics.
Combustibles such as towels and clothing especially if wet can
catch fire or cause electric shock near electrics.
Are all electric equipment
and cables in good condition
If NO: Have them replaced or if unsure have them checked by a
qualified electrician