Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service Home Fire Safety Self Checker
Watch our DVD and then go around your home with this checklist to find fire risks and use
the advice to help you make you and everyone in your home safer.
Links to more
Is your oven and grill clean
of fat?
If NO: Keep the oven, hob and grill clean and in good working
order a build up of fat can ignite a fire
Do you deep fry?
If YES: Hot oil ignites easily. Use an thermostatic electric deep
fat fryer. If you have a fat fire if safe turn off the heat and GET
Chip Pan Safety
Do you turn pan handles in
and keep them clear of
If NO: These can cause serious scalds and burns if knocked off
or can be spilled on electrics
Are tea towels and cloths
kept clear of the cooker?
If NO: Move them. If left on or above appliances they can ignite
Are kettles and leads kept
away from hotplates and
If NO: Move them: These can be caught, pulled or melt causing
injury or fire
Electrical Safety
Are all flexes and cables in
good condition?
If NO: Get them replaced. Worn wires can cause electric shock
and/or fires
Electrical Safety
Are plugs and sockets used
correctly & not overloaded?
If NO: Check the correct fuse is used. Avoid block adaptors
instead use trailing adaptors and don’t exceed 13 amps in total
Electrical Safety
Are toasters used under
cupboards, shelves or near
kitchen rolls or curtains?
If YES: Move the toaster or check for scorch marks. The heat
can scorch units and eventually over time this will become easy
to ignite and cause a fire
Are electrical appliances
vents clear and have enough
space to allow cooling?
If NO: Move items blocking vents and air gaps the appliance can
overheat and malfunction or catch fire if not ventilated according
to the manufacturers instructions.
Electrical Safety
Do you have a microwave?
If YES: Ensure adequate ventilation and no storage on top. Do
not put metal inside. Be aware of overheating food or wheat
bags which may catch fire.
Electrical Safety
Are floors free of things that
you could trip or slip on?
If NO: Replace worn or damaged floor coverings, remove trip
hazards. People can slip on liquids or loose mats on shiny floors
Action Plan
Is there a door and does it
fully close into the frame?
If NO: A well fitted door will give you more time to escape if it is
closed and if you have a working smoke detector to warn you
Action Plan
Are all flexes and cables in
good condition?
If NO: Get them replaced. Worn wires can cause electric shock
and/or fires
Electrical Safety
Are plugs and sockets used
correctly & not overloaded?
If NO: Check the correct fuse is used. Avoid block adaptors
instead use trailing adaptors and don’t exceed 13 amps in total
Electrical Safety
Do cables run under carpets
or floor coverings?
If YES: Cable may wear and cause fires and/or electrical shock.
Check the condition of cables and reroute them. Consult a
qualified electrician if you have any doubt
Electrical Safety
Are all unused electrical
appliances unplugged
especially last thing at night?
If NO: Include this in your bed time routine, it will also save you
money, appliances on standby can use up to 66% of the power
they use when on.
Electrical Safety
Do you have an open fire,
woodburning stove or
portable gas heater?
Get chimneys swept by a chimney sweep 2x a year before first
and after last use.
Use a suitable fireguard especially if you leave the room or
may fall asleep.
Keep furniture and other combustibles at least 1 metre from
fires and heaters and check they do not get hot.
Make sure fires are out or guarded and there are no sparks or
Chimney fires
Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service Home Fire Safety Self Checker
Watch our DVD and then go around your home with this checklist to find fire risks and use
the advice to help you make you and everyone in your home safer.
embers in the hearth or on floor coverings before you go out or
go to sleep
Get portable heaters checked regularly by a qualified person,
particularly hoses and connections to ensure they are in good
condition and not loose.
LPG heaters produce water vapour as well as heat so can
cause damp and condensation
Relocate mirrors from above fireplaces and heaters with open
flames. Clothing and hairspray etc can catch fire when people
are standing close to the mirror.
Don’t empty ashes into plastic bins
Monoxide, the
Silent Killer
Are floor coverings loose or
raised and may cause
people to trip or slip?
If YES: These can cause slips, trips and falls Replace repair or
remove loose or dangerous floor coverings and ensure they do
not slip easily on wet or shiny floors.
Do you have remote controls
for your TV, DVD, Music
If YES: They can slip down the side of chair cushions and be
operated causing them, to overheat and cause a fire. Put them
back on a table after using them.
Do your use candles,
burners, joss sticks or
If YES: They should be stable and in approved holders not
placed on plastic or flammable surfaces, and away from curtains
or other flammable items. Put them out when you leave the room
and before you go to sleep. Use torches for emergency lighting.
Candles and
Does anyone smoke?
If Yes: Smoking is the biggest cause of fire death in the home in
Norfolk. Use ashtrays and empty them into non combustible
containers (not plastic bins)
Is there a door and does it
fully close into the frame?
If NO: A well fitted door will give you more time to escape if it is
closed and if you have a working smoke detector to warn you
Action Plan
Are there working smoke
alarms on each floor?
If NO: A smoke alarm is the only thing that will wake you and
your family if there is a fire.
Ensure that there is at least 1 per floor on the ceiling in
hallways and staircases.
Test them every week
Change the alarm if over 10 years old
Vacuum them every 6 months
Fire alarms are available for people with hearing impairments
Smoke Alarms
Are stairs and/or floor
coverings loose or raised
and may cause people to trip
or slip?
If YES: These can cause slips, trips and falls and prevent
escape in case of fire. Replace repair or remove loose or
dangerous floor coverings and ensure they do not slip easily on
shiny floors.
Action Plan
Are the stairs, hallways and
exit routes free of
If NO: Obstructions such as bicycles, toys on the stairs, electrical
cables etc can prevent or slow the escape from a fire. Move
them or put them away and check as part of your night time
Action Plan
Are plugs and sockets used
correctly & not overloaded?
If NO: Check the correct fuse is used. Avoid block adaptors
instead use trailing adaptors and don’t exceed 13 amps in total
Electrical Safety
Do you have a smoke alarm
in bedrooms?
If NO: Consider getting one particularly in children’s rooms.
Smoke in a bedroom means there is probably something wrong.
Smoke Alarms
Does anyone smoke in bed?
If YES: DON’T! Smoking is the biggest cause of fire deaths in
the home in Norfolk.
Does anyone use an electric
Are they in good condition?
Are they stored correctly as per the instructions?
Electrical Safety
Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service Home Fire Safety Self Checker
Watch our DVD and then go around your home with this checklist to find fire risks and use
the advice to help you make you and everyone in your home safer.
Use only those with the British standard kite mark or EU
Switch them off before going to bed if advised to by the
Have them tested regularly as per the instructions.
Are all flexes and cables in
good condition?
If NO: Get them replaced. Worn wires can cause electric shock
and/or fires
Electrical Safety
Are plugs and sockets used
correctly & not overloaded?
If NO: Check the correct fuse is used. Avoid block adaptors
instead use trailing adaptors and don’t exceed 13 amps in total
Electrical Safety
Do cables run under carpets
or floor coverings?
If YES: Cable may wear and cause fires and/or electrical shock.
Check the condition of cables and reroute them. Consult a
qualified electrician if you have any doubt
Electrical Safety
Are all unused electrical
appliances unplugged
especially last thing at night?
If NO: Include this in your bed time routine, it will also save you
money, appliances on standby can use up to 66% of the power
they use when turned on.
Electrical Safety
Do you use electric hair
straightners or hair dryers?
If YES: Never leave them on beds or combustible surfaces if hot
or plugged in, or where they may fall or be knocked onto them.
Ensure cables are not twisted, coiled or damaged and plugs are
correctly wired
Are floor coverings loose or
raised and may cause
people to trip or slip?
If YES: These can cause slips, trips and falls Replace repair or
remove loose or dangerous floor coverings and ensure they do
not slip easily on wet or shiny floors.
Action Plan
Are there aerosols placed on
heaters or in the window?
If YES: Many aerosols contain flammable Gasses and can be
heated by radiators, heaters or sunlight and explode.
Do you have a phone or
other means of calling 999 in
the bedroom?
If NO: If there is a fire in your home at night and your escape is
blocked by fire or smoke a phone in your bedroom will let you
call 999
Action Plan
Do you know how you would
escape if you were trapped
in your bedroom by fire
and/or smoke?
If NO: Plan your escape route taking into account double glazed
windows that may not be able to be open far enough to allow
you to escape. Always know where your window lock keys are
and what to do if you are trapped.
Action Plan
Is there a door and does it
fully close into the frame?
If NO: A well fitted door will give you more time to escape if it is
closed and you have a working smoke detector to warn you
Action Plan
Are there aerosols placed on
heaters or in the window?
If YES: Many aerosols contain flammable Gasses and can be
heated by radiators, heaters or sunlight and explode.
Are electrics operated by pull
cord or sensor switches?
If NO: Operating electrical switches with wet hands can cause
an electric shock
Are portable electrical
appliances used in the
If YES: Portable electric appliances such as heaters, hairdryers
or straightners can come into contact with water and cause
electric shock
Are floor coverings loose or
raised and may cause
people to trip or slip?
If YES: These can cause slips, trips and falls Replace repair or
remove loose or dangerous floor coverings and ensure they do
not slip easily on wet or shiny floors.
Action Plan
Does anyone use candles or
burners in the bathroom?
If YES: Ensure these are placed in suitable holders and not on
plastic or flammable surfaces such as a plastic bath as these
can melt through and cause fire or flood.
Candles and
Is this empty of aerosols and
flammable liquids and are
combustibles such as towels
kept away from electrics?
If NO: Aerosols can explode in heat, flammable liquids can
expand and leak coming into contact with electrics.
Combustibles such as towels and clothing especially if wet can
catch fire or cause electric shock near electrics.
Are all electric equipment
and cables in good condition
If NO: Have them replaced or if unsure have them checked by a
qualified electrician
Electrical Safety
Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service Home Fire Safety Self Checker
Watch our DVD and then go around your home with this checklist to find fire risks and use
the advice to help you make you and everyone in your home safer.
For a Fire Safety in the Home Leaflet Click Here
Does the door fully close into
the frame?
If NO: A well fitted door will contain the fire for longer giving you
more time to escape as long as it is closed.
Action Plan
Are there storage materials
that could catch fire?
If YES: Keep storage to a minimum, away from electrics,
chimney breasts and other things that may get hot.
Are the electrics in good
order and safe from rodents?
If NO: Consult a qualified electrician
Electrical Safety
Is the loft separated from
adjoining properties by a
solid wall with no holes?
If NO: Consult an architect or local building control for further
advice. Open loft spaces between houses can aid the spread of
Does the loft door fully close
into the frame?
If NO: A well fitted loft door will contain the fire for longer giving
you more time to escape as long as it is closed.
Action Plan
Are all dangerous materials
stored safely and correctly?
If NO:
Consult your local Council on the disposal of these.
We recommend storage of no more than 15 litres of petrol with
no more than 2 x 5 Litre plastic fuel cans.
Chemicals used in the garden, garage or workshop need to be
used and stored with great care; store them in a safe place
where children can't see or reach them, and keep them in their
original containers, clearly labeled.
Petrol Cans
Are there clear routes out of
the area?
If NO: Ensure there is a safe easy route out of garages and
storage areas in case of fire.
Action Plan
If the garage has a door
directly into the house is it a
fire door that closes fully
onto the door frame?
If NO: This must be a correctly installed fire door to prevent the
spread of fire from a higher risk area such as a garage, it should
be kept closed and not wedged open.
Do you have an emergency
If NO:
Plan how you and your family would escape from your home if
there is a fire.
Make sure everyone in the house knows what to do
Practice the escape plan to ensure that the plan works and
that everyone is clear on what to do
Consider planning for what you would do in other emergencies
such as flooding
In case of fire: GET OUT, STAY OUT, CALL 999
Action Plan
Does your property have a
thatched roof?
If YES: To consult our guidance Click Here
Storage in your home
Keep storage in your home to a minimum particularly things that
can catch fire e.g. large quantities of newspaper, clothes and
packaging. If there is a fire this can let it grow rapidly and cause
a serious danger to you, your family and Firefighters.
Action Plan
Has anyone in your home
been playing with matches
or fire?
Make sure you have smoke alarms that work
Safely dispose of or lock away matches and lighters
For further advice access our Firesetter education scheme on
01603-810351 and ask for the Firesetter co-ordinator.