One of the most important things you can do to prepare for an emergency is to spend a few
minutes pung together a Household Emergency Plan and making sure all your family know
about it. Having a plan can help you deal quickly and eecvely in a stressful situaon. It
doesn’t need to be complicated, just ask yourself the queson ‘What if?’ and then nd the
answers. Think about emergency friends, important contacts and how people would know
your needs in an emergency. Follow the advice in this leaet , develop a Household
Emergency Plan and be beer prepared.
Developing a Household Emergency Plan
Why not idenfy an “Emergency Friend”? Someone you can trust who can help you in an
emergency, perhaps a close neighbour and a friend who lives further away.
Emergency Friends can help each other if one of their homes or members of family have been
aected by an emergency. Some examples are:
Swapping house keys. You never know when you might lock yourself out or your pet
needs to be fed if you get stranded away from home.
If you are suering from an infecous disease, like u, the NHS might ask you to send
someone to collect your medicaon for you.
Be an emergency point of contact for family members who may be separated in an
Provide each other with a place to stay if you have been evacuated from your home or
if it’s been aected by a ood, re or ulity failure.
Keep copies of important documents safe for each other
Make sure all your family know who your Emergency Friends are and make a note of them in
the Household Emergency Plan. Have a chat with each other so that you know how you can
be of help.
Why should I prepare a Household Emergency Plan?
Emergency Friends
Know the risks, be informed, get prepared!
Developing a Household Emergency Plan
During an emergency we may need to get by without power or water. If you had to evacuate your
home, it would be useful to have some essenal items to hand that would make life easier. The
contents will vary according to your needs, but consider:
A list of important contact details
Copies of important documents (insurance details etc)
First aid kit
Torch and spare baeries/wind up torch
Radio and spare baeries/wind up radio
Details of prescripon medicaon
Spare pair of glasses or contact lenses
Mobile phone charger
Basic toiletries
Pencil/pen and notepaper
A few more things that you might want to consider:
Boled water
Spare keys to home and car
Small amount of cash
Dried or canned food (and a can opener)
Prescripon medicaons
Supplies for babies or small children
Pet’s supplies
In emergencies some of your neighbours may be more vulnerable than others, so
get to know your neighbours now! For example, the elderly, very young or disabled
are more vulnerable to extreme heat or cold. Helping your friends and neighbours is
important and can save lives. Just checking that someone is well, maybe collecng a
bit of shopping or having a chat may make the world of dierence. Together we are
stronger, so why not consider a community emergency plan? These can help
co-ordinate acvity during an emergency, such as checking on vulnerable neighbours - see our
website for more informaon.
Put together an Emergency Kit
Be a good neighbour
Know the risks, be informed, get prepared!
Household Emergency Plan
Where will we meet if we can’t get
into or stay in our home?
Who will collect children from school
if we are unable to get there?
Details of where we turn o:
Neighbours we will check on Emergency Friend who can collect
medicine or supplies if needed
Where we can stay if we are
Who would look aer our pet if we
were unable to?
Know the risks, be informed, get prepared!
Household Emergency Plan
Important contact details
Organisaon Contact Number Notes/Ref. Number
Emergency Services 999
Police (Non Emergency) 101
NHS 111 (non emergency) 111
Environment Agency Flood Line 0345 988 1188
Norfolk County Council 0344 800 8020
District Council
Electricity Provider
Power cuts (to report) 105
Telephone Provider
Gas Provider
Naonal Gas Emergency Number 0800 111 999
Water Provider
School / nursery
Insurance— House and content
Bank (non condenal informaon)
Pet Buddy
Know the risks, be informed, get prepared!