New Member Roster and Initiation Verification Form
This form is due within three business days following the completion of Recruitment/Intake. The Assistant Director for Student
Engagement must approve this form before any New Member Education process can begin and for Initiation may occur.
By signing this document you agree to the following
Academic Release- I wish to waive my rights granted to me by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and
permit Southeastern Louisiana University to release academic information about me to my respective Sorority/Fraternity,
respective organization national office, Southeastern Louisiana University awards committee, or any other designated party with
a legitimate educational interest. I understand that this waiver will be in effect until I notify the Office for Student Engagement
that I no longer wish to allow such information to be released.
Housing- I acknowledge that I will be charged a $105.00 non-refundable parlor fee if my fraternity/sorority has a house in the
Village. The parlor fee will be applied regardless of personal place of residency. I further acknowledge that I am responsible
for ensuring my respective organization updates my membership status with the Office for Student Engagement.
Enrollment Requirement: I must be enrolled and continue to be enrolled as a full-time student and meet all minimum grade
point average requirements in order to be initiated.
Name (typed)
Student ID #
(Office Use)
For Office Use Only:
Date Received: ____________ Date Entered into System: __________ Asst Director: ________________________________