Greek Organization Recognition Packet
Spring 2018
Included in this packet are the following forms:
Alcohol Policy Memo
Policy on Hazing and Alcohol Signature Form
Chapter Hazing, Alcohol Statement, Academic Release and Housing Form
o This form must be typed and members should be listed alphabetically.
Forms not meeting these requirements will not be accepted.
Faculty Advisor Verification Form
Chapter Advisor Verification Form
Intake/Recruitment Form
Student Organizations Policies and Procedures Handbook Compliance Form
Officer Roster
Completed packets are due to the Office for Student Engagement by
Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 5:00 pm.
Organization: _________________________________________________
For office use only - Date received: ___________________
DATE: July 26, 2016
TO: Greek Organization Presidents
FROM: Jim McHodgkins
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
RE: Registration of Activities and Alcohol Policy
All Southeastern student organizations are required to register their meetings and social functions. Access to
the registration of activities form is available on the website for the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs.
In addition, if alcohol will be present at any functions of the student organization, organizations are required to
have their officers meet with the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs (Student Union Room 2409, 549-
3792) prior to final approval of these events. Any organization that fails to adhere to the above mentioned
criteria will be denied social functions involving alcohol and may also face Code of Student Conduct
Violations. For additional information, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct or the Student
Organizations Policies and Procedures manual at
All student organizations are reminded that it is illegal for anyone under 21 years of age to use, consume,
possess and/or purchase alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverage is defined as any beverage containing ½ or
1% or more alcohol by volume.
If you have any questions in regard to this policy, please refer to the SLU Student Organizations Policies and
Procedures booklet or contact Mr. Jim McHodgkins, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Room 2409
in the Student Union, 549-3792.
Please sign the Policy on Hazing and Alcohol acknowledging that you have read and understand all guidelines
*SLU 10483 *Phone: 985-549-2120 *FAX: 985-549-3946
Policy on Hazing and Alcohol
We, ____________________________________________________________ (President’s name) and
(Please Print Name)
_______________________________________________________ (New Member Educator’s name) of the
(Please Print Name)
___________________________________________________________ Chapter of Fraternity/Sorority do
(Please Print Name of Chapter)
hereby affirm to Southeastern Louisiana University that the organization, represented by our signatures, does
comply with the attached policy on Hazing and Hazing Awareness Education, as adopted by the Board of
Trustees, September, 1997, as well as Southeastern Louisiana University’s Alcohol Policy.
In order to insure that all Chapter members are aware of the requirements outlined in this policy on Hazing
and Hazing Awareness Education, we affirm that:
all Chapter members have been informed, in writing, of the requirements outlined in these policies
these policies are reviewed each Spring and Fall semesters with all Chapter members, and
the New Member Educator has obtained copies of this policy for all new members and has
reviewed the policy with all new members.
We also affirm that all signatures on the Official Roster, Chapter Hazing Statement Form and Alcohol
Policy Statement Form are the true signatures of each member listed on the form verified through their W#.
Chapter President Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ___________
New Member Educator Signature: __________________________________ Date: ___________
Southeastern Louisiana University Greek Life
Official Roster, Chapter Hazing, Alcohol Statement,
Academic Release, and Housing Form
Spring 2018
Please type in the name, and student ID number of your members alphabetically by last name. Next, have each member sign
and date next to his/her name. Forms should be returned to the Office for Student Engagement.
By signing this document you agree to the following
Chapter Hazing and Alcohol Statement-The members of _________________________________Fraternity/Sorority, have
been informed of the Southeastern Louisiana University’s Policies on Hazing and Alcohol, and have each received a copy for
personal reference. By my signature, I hereby acknowledge and understand what hazing is according to the University’s
definition. I understand the University’s policy on alcohol. I pledge to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in these policies.
Academic Release-
I wish to waive my rights granted to me by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and
permit Southeastern Louisiana University to release academic information about me to my respective Sorority/Fraternity,
respective organization national office, Southeastern Louisiana University awards committee, or any other designated party with a
legitimate educational interest. I understand that this waiver will be in effect until I notify the Office for Student Engagement that
I no longer wish to allow such information to be released.
Housing- I acknowledge that I will be charged a $155.00 non-refundable parlor fee if my fraternity/sorority has a house in the
Village. The parlor fee will be applied regardless of personal place of residency. I further acknowledge that I am responsible for
ensuring my respective organization updates my membership status with the Office for Student Engagement.
Student ID #
Student ID #
Student ID #
Student ID #
Southeastern Louisiana University Greek Life
Membership Roster Deletions
Organization Name: _________________________________________________________________
Chapter President’s Name (Print): ______________________________________________________
Chapter President’s Signature: _________________________________________________________
Chapter Advisor’s Name (Print): _______________________________________________________
Chapter Advisor’s Signature: ____________________________________________________
Please type in the student’s name, student’s ID number, and reason for each roster deletion. Deletions will not
be authorized without legitimate reason(s). This initial Membership Roster Deletion form will be for
members who need to be removed from the roster from the prior semester for the upcoming semester.
Your chapter will still be allowed to remove active members from the current semester by filling out the
separate Membership Roster Deletion Form before the last day to drop classes each semester. A confirmation
copy of this form will be emailed to the president and advisor once processed.
W Number
Reason for Deletion
Staff Member
(Office Use)
Effective Date
(Office Use)
Confirmation Sent
(Office Use)
Faculty Advisor Verification Form
Spring 2018
Organization: _________________________________________________________________________________
Each fraternity and sorority shall have a faculty advisor who must be a full-time University faculty or staff member.
Graduate students may not serve as faculty advisors.
Responsibilities of a Faculty Advisor:
1. Remain informed concerning the purposes and programs of the organization, and provide advice on the planning
and implementation of events and activities.
2. Be aware of all University policies and procedures regarding student organizations.
3. Meet with members, inter/national visitors, alumni advisors, Office for Student Engagement staff, etc. as
4. Assist in the promotion of scholarship.
5. Attend organizational meetings and events as needed.
6. Regularly meet with the chapter officers to establish mutual understanding and expectations.
7. Evaluate projects, performance, and progress; serve as a resource and provide feedback to the officers of the
8. Represent the organization and its interests to other faculty and staff.
9. Serve as a consistent link with the past and provide a historical perspective to assist the current leadership in
accomplishing goals.
10. Approve or disapprove activities of the organization through the Registration of Activities process.
11. Contact the Office for Student Engagement if the chapter could benefit from special guidance or programming.
12. Be present at designated social functions of the organization per the University policies and procedures or as
required by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs.
I understand and agree to perform the role of faculty advisor to the above listed organization. I understand that I am the
contact person responsible for working with my organization at Southeastern Louisiana University.
Name: ________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________
Campus Phone #: _________________________________ Cell Phone #: _________________________________
______________________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date
The information provided will be kept on file in records located in the Office for Student Engagement. Access to this
information will be limited to an “as needed” basis. E-mail addresses will be used for regular correspondence and will be
published online.
Chapter Advisor Verification Form
Spring 2018
Organization: _________________________________________________________________________________
Each fraternity and sorority may have a chapter advisor who is to be selected by the organization. The chapter advisor
must be approved and recognized by the national or international office of their respective organization.
Responsibilities of a Chapter Advisor:
1. Remain informed concerning the purposes and programs of the organization, and provide advice on the planning
and implementation of events and activities.
2. Be aware of all University policies and procedures regarding student organizations.
3. Serve as a liaison between the chapter and national or international office.
4. Assist the chapter in compliance with internal organization policies and procedures.
5. Meet with members, inter/national visitors, alumni advisors, Office for Student Engagement staff, etc. as
6. Assist in the promotion of scholarship.
7. Meet confidentially with members upon request.
8. Attend organizational meetings upon request.
9. Meet with the chapter officers to establish mutual understanding and expectations.
10. Advise the organization in the election and transition/training of officers.
11. Evaluate projects, performance, and progress; serve as a resource and provide feedback to the officers of the
12. Serve as the most consistent link with the past and provide an historical perspective to assist the current leadership
in accomplishing goals.
13. Contact Office for Student Engagement if unsure of how to handle a situation.
14. Contact Office for Student Engagement if the chapter could benefit from special guidance or programming.
I understand and agree to perform the role of faculty advisor to the above listed organization. I understand that I am the
contact person responsible for working with my organization at Southeastern Louisiana University.
Name: ________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________
Campus Phone #: _________________________________ Cell Phone #: _________________________________
______________________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date
The information provided will be kept on file in records located in the Office for Student Engagement. Access to this
information will be limited to an “as needed” basis. E-mail addresses will be used for regular correspondence and will be
published online.
Intake/Recruitment Form
Spring 2018
The officers and members of ____________________________ are proud to announce the recruitment/intake
(Organization and Chapter)
of new members for this semester.
Interest Meeting(s)/Parties
Membership Invitation/Bids
(New Member Roster due within 3 business days)
New Member Pinning/Ceremony
New Member Education (starting date)
New Member Presentation (if applicable)
Chapter Member in Charge of Recruitment/Intake
Name ___________________________________ Phone Number ________________________
Chapter Member in Charge of New Member Education
Name ___________________________________ Phone Number ________________________
Advisor Supervising Recruitment/Intake
Name __________________________________ Phone Number _________________________
Advisor Supervising New Member Education
Name _________________________________ Phone Number _________________________
We, the undersigned, attest the above information is accurate and correct to the best of our knowledge. We
also agree to abide by all University policies and inform the Office for Student Engagement of any changes
to the above information.
Chapter President Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ___________
Chapter Advisor Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ___________
Student Organizations Policies and Procedures Handbook
Compliance Form
(Please print names)
We, ___________________________________________________ (President’s name) and ________________________________
(Risk Management Chair’s name) of the _____________________Chapter of ___________________________________________
Fraternity/Sorority do
hereby affirm to Southeastern Louisiana University that the organization, represented by our signatures, does
comply with the Student Organization and Greek Life Policies and Procedure Manual.
In order to insure that all Chapter members are aware of the requirements outlined in this handbook, we affirm that:
all Chapter members have been informed, in writing, of the requirements outlined in these policies
these policies are reviewed each Fall and Spring semesters with all Chapter members
Chapter President Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________
Risk Management Chair Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________
Officer’s Roster Spring 2018
Organization Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
SLU Box Address (or other mailing address): __________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip
Organization website URL: _________________________________________________________________________________
Facebook URL: ________________________________________ Twitter: ___________________________________________
Instagram: ___________________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________
Cell Phone #: ________________________________ W Number: __________________________________
For Office Use Only: CUM GPA: __________ SEM GPA: __________ HRS. Enrolled: __________
Position: ________________________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________
Cell Phone #: ________________________________ W Number: __________________________________
For Office Use Only: CUM GPA: __________ SEM GPA: __________ HRS. Enrolled: __________
Position: ________________________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________
Cell Phone #: ________________________________ W Number: __________________________________
For Office Use Only: CUM GPA: __________ SEM GPA: __________ HRS. Enrolled: __________
Position: ________________________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________
Cell Phone #: ________________________________ W Number: __________________________________
For Office Use Only: CUM GPA: __________ SEM GPA: __________ HRS. Enrolled: __________
Position: ________________________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________
Cell Phone #: ________________________________ W Number: __________________________________
For Office Use Only: CUM GPA: __________ SEM GPA: __________ HRS. Enrolled: __________
Position: ________________________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________
Cell Phone #: ________________________________ W Number: __________________________________
For Office Use Only: CUM GPA: __________ SEM GPA: __________ HRS. Enrolled: __________