New Club
Follow-Up Program •
Introduction To Basic Program
This handbook has been developed to help a Sponsor
Club and District leaders fully complete the New Community
Growth program with special emphasis on the “Follow-Up/
Follow-Through” phases.
New Clubs should be built to last. The New Club
Follow-Up/Follow-Through Program is a way to help New
Clubs be successful.
Once the New Club is formed, a Sponsor Club has specific
additional responsibilities. The New Club Follow-Up is a phase
which must be carried out during the first three months of a
New Club’s life. For September Clubs, the Follow-Up Phase
must be completed by November 30. The District leadership is
then responsible for the Follow-Through phase for 9 months.
The completion of the program is to coincide with the first
anniversary of the New Club.
The Board of Directors of Optimist International has
directed that New Club building credits and awards will be
given for projects only when the New Club Follow-Up Phase
has been completed successfully and certified by the District
New Community Growth Chair, Governor, Lt. Governor or
responsible District officer.
The four major components to the New Club Follow-Up
Program are:
1. Three “orientation” programs-presented by the
Sponsor Club, one during each of the New Club’s first
three months (details in Section I).
2. Attendance at one District board meeting (or District
convention) by two officers-preferably the Charter
President and the Secretary-Treasurer.
3. Assist the New Club in planning at least one
service project.
4. Assist the New Club in planning at least one fund
raising project.
Certifying completion of all the above items on forms
provided in this handbook, will entitle the Sponsor Club,
Zone, and District to receive awards credit for a successful
New Club building project.
Sponsor Clubs and District officials are encouraged to
assist all concerned. The objective is a successful program. The
Lt. Governor should set-up informal visits between New Club
and other Clubs in the Zone. Social events, and inter-Club
visits between Sponsor Club and New Club are encouraged.
The New Community Growth Chair, Governor, Lieutenant
Governor, or responsible District officer must certify that
the orientation meetings were conducted and attest that the
program was successfully completed.
All questions and/or comments regarding the “New Club
Follow-Up/Follow-Through Program” should be directed to:
New Community Growth Department
Optimist International
4494 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
314-371-6000 • 800-500-8130
About The Follow-Up Requirements
The “orientation” programs are most important.
Informative and qualified speakers play a major role in
familiarizing the charter membership with District and
International procedures and services.
Experienced guidance will help the New Club in the
selection and planning of early activities, that is, community
serving and fund raising projects.
Developing an agenda of community services and youth
activities must be an early consideration, a Sponsor Club
renders a tremendous service by helping a New Club plan its
first service project.
An activity requiring limited finances and providing early
involvement by many charter members will go a long way
toward developing a community image for the New Club.
At the same time, charter members begin to realize that
they do in fact have some new important responsibilities in
the community.
One of the greatest challenges for a New Club can be
the raising of funds needed to Sponsor other community
and youth serving activities. One of the major contributions
a Sponsor Club can make is to help a New Club plan its first
fund raising activity.
A review of the Fund Raising guide will provide some
excellent “ways and means” ideas. •
Attendance at District events opens the door of Optimist
fellowship which is a vital contributing factor for a viable Club.
District meetings offer New Club officers and members
an opportunity for recognition. They also provide an ideal
setting for sharing and the exchange of valuable information.
Optimists who attend their first District function are eager to
return at an early date.
Seasoned Optimists do play an important role in the early
life of a New Optimist Club. As a Sponsor Club, you should
give your best toward a successful Follow-Up phase. Members
of the Sponsor’s leadership team should visit with their
counterpart in the New Club as often as is necessary.
Maintain close contact with your New Club. Be available to
help and assist. Make sure the Follow-Up phase is progressing
smoothly. If you encounter problems or weaknesses, please
refer them to the International Office.
The Follow-Up phase is just another of the many ways
through which Optimist International attempts to insure
the success of every Club. Remember, you play a major role
in assisting the New Club and getting it started “on the
right track.”
Club Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
7:45 12:15 6:30
Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
7:46 12:16 6:31
Meal Service
7:47 12:17 6:32
Introduction - Guests
8:07 12:37 6:52
Induction/Introduction - New Members
8:10 12:40 6:55
Brief Business Session
8:20 12:50 7:05
Orientation Program
8:27 12:37 6:52
Closing Announcements
8:57 1:27 7:42
Optimist Creed and Adjournment
9:00 1:30 7:45
Section I
The Sponsor Club will select knowledgeable speakers for
at least three meetings of the New Club during the first three
months of its operation. The three meetings should cover the
following topics, in the order listed:
1. Orientation
a. Purposes/Privileges of Orientation
b. Structure of Organization
c. Role of Club
2. Goals
a. Community Service/Programs/Projects
b. Fund Raising Projects
c. Financial Structure/Budgets
3. Membership
a. Fellowship/Attendance
b. Growth
c. Communications/Programs
The meeting agenda shown below can be used in the
planning of these three meetings. Each agenda also includes
suggested guidelines for the speaker and possible reference
materials. Following are a few things to keep in mind as one
sets out to plan an individual follow-up program:
Set Example
The Sponsor should set a good example for the New Club
by following the suggested standard meeting agenda carefully.
Best Speakers
The Sponsor Club is urged to find the best possible
speaker for each of the three meetings. . . members who are
will-informed and experienced in the topic being discussed.
District chairs and an International officer who lives in the area
may be good choices for speakers.
Speakers should be encouraged to use handbooks,
brochures, pictures, plaques, posters, charts, and other
visual aids.
Be Positive
In order to provide the most positive, valuable motivation
to the New Club, the Sponsor Club should act in an advisory
capacity rather than a critical one. •
Section II
This section of the booklet contains a copy of the “New
Club Follow-Up Report.” The reports keep everyone informed
about the New Club by giving the Sponsor Club and District
officials the opportunity to report on the New Club’s status as
to leadership, finances, administration, and activities.
1. Reports should be completed by the Sponsor Club
representative or key Club builder.
2. Report is reviewed and signed by the District officer in
attendance and the authorized Field Representative.
Please note the spaces provided on the “New Club Follow-
Up Report” for certifying the completion of all requirements,
as stated in the Introduction on page 1.
Following the third and final meeting, the “New Club
Follow-Up Report” should be completed and sent to the New
Community Growth Department via e-mail, fax, or mail.
Please send to:
Fax: 314.371.6006
Mail: New Community Growth Department
Optimist International
4494 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
When the report and the “Certificate of Completion”
have been received and verified by the International Office,
the Sponsor Club, Zone, and District will be given credit for
a successful New Community Growth project. It is therefore
important that the Follow-Up/Follow-Through Program be
given special attention by the Sponsor Club, District, and
Field Representative.
Section III
Part III of this booklet contains information regarding
two other activities that are very much a part of the first
few months of the New Club’s existence – the Charter
Presentation Banquet and the Lieutenant Governor’s
orientation of those Charter Members who were unable to
attend the organizational meeting:
In addition to the three meetings outlined in this booklet,
the Lieutenant Governor is expected to arrange with the New
Club’s Membership Chair a special orientation meeting for
those Charter Members who were not present for the Field
Rep’s presentation at the official Organization Meeting. The
memo to the Lieutenant Governor regarding this special
meeting is included in this booklet so that in passing it along
to him, the Sponsor Club representative will be able to arrange
with him the best date(s) for this special orientation.
(Note: These memo copies are for reference only; they do not
have to be sent to the International Office.) •
Meeting Guidelines for Speakers References
1. Purpose/Privileges of Organization
A. Club’s responsibility to members
B. Member’s Responsibility to the Club
2. Structure of Organization
A. How it works
B. Benefits to Members and Clubs
3. Role of Club
A. In Zone/District/ Optimist International
B. In Community
C. Opportunities for Leadership, Service and
1. Community Service/Youth Projects
2. Fund Raising Projects
3. Financial Structure/ Budget
1. Fellowship/Attendance
2. Growth
3. Communications/ Programs
NO. 2
NO. 3
1. The Club President’s Answer Book
2. The Club President’s Answer Book
Model Club Organization Chart
3. The Club President’s Answer Book
1. The Club President’s Answer Book
2. The Club President’s Answer Book
1. The Club President’s Answer Book
2. The Club President’s Answer Book
Date New Club Number New Club Name Date Organized
Sponsor Club Number Sponsor Club Name
Name Title Phone
District Representative
Name Title Phone
30 Days
Please rate the general reaction to the speaker/program.
(Poor) q 1 q 2 q 3 q 4 q 5 (Excellent)
Additional comments:
60 Days
Please rate the general reaction to the speaker/program.
(Poor) q 1 q 2 q 3 q 4 q 5 (Excellent)
Additional comments:
90 Days
Please rate the general reaction to the speaker/program.
(Poor) q 1 q 2 q 3 q 4 q 5 (Excellent)
Additional comments:
To be completed for certification:
Two charter officers attend a District meeting or District Convention q Yes q No
Assist the New Club in planning at least one service project? q Yes q No
Club Service Project
Please rate the effectiveness of the Club’s first service project.
(Not Effective) q 1 q 2 q 3 q 4 q 5 (Very Effective)
Assist the New Club in planning at least one fund raising project? q Yes q No
Fund Raising Project
Please rate the effectiveness of the Club’s first fund raising project.
(Not Effective) q 1 q 2 q 3 q 4 q 5 (Very Effective)
Rate the general interest of the Club’s membership and the performance of the officers.
(Poor) q 1 q 2 q 3 q 4 q 5 (Excellent)
Additional comments:
New Club Follow-up Report
Were all new members given orientation? q Yes q No
Has the Club become incorporated? q Yes q No
Secretary/Treasurer completed set-up of records? q Yes q No
Club adopted an annual budget q Yes q No
Club e-mail set-up q Yes q No
Have Club Officers successfully logged onto Optimist Leaders? q Yes q No
Secretary collected and added online Club Members e-mail addresses?
q Yes q No
Section IV
District Representative
There is a strong need to extend the contact and service
to New Clubs for a longer period of time. The International
Membership Committee has developed an on-going program
of assistance to There are two objectives: 1) To assist the
Lt. Governor and the Club by providing additional District
expertise “on the spot,” and 2) Through your contact, provide
a picture of the Club’s needs, health and stability at that
moment in its history. Your visits will also double the District’s
contact with New Clubs at a time when encouragement and
answers to questions are so important. The Membership
Department will be eager to provide materials requested on
your report.
There is a strong need to learn at what point the Sponsor
Club left off in order to continue the development of the Club
and its leadership ability. The New Club Follow-Through Phase
will help you identify most of these. The evaluation form can
also serve as an idea sheet and check list.
When you begin the Follow-Through Phase, there should
be few (if any) problems. If by chance a New Club can be
described by any of the following, the work is far from over.
Inactive, poor attendance, debate oriented, no meals,
no programs, no collection of dues, not meeting weekly or
Committees not appointed/active.
Support the Lt. Governor by filling vacancies in
committees, offices, or procedures in order to proactively
assuage potential problems.
The Committee encourages you or a member of your
Committee to visit the Club (unannounced) every three
months. If a program speaker has not been scheduled, it
may provide an opportunity to serve as the speaker . . . to
provide encouragement . . . to stimulate them along some
path . . . to discuss current events/needs . . . to moderate a
brainstorming session on activities and fund raising . . . or to
answer questions.
The International Committee’s thoughts were to help you
bring out the best in people and Clubs through good Club
administration, and in failing situations, provide people with
the opportunity to recognize and to do the right thing.
District Representative
Verification: First visitation (after 90 days)
1. Not-for-profit incorporation. Provide assistance
if necessary.
2. List Committee chairs. Are Committees staffed and
needs satisfied?
3. Do Club officers accompany you or the Lt. Governor
to Zone meetings?
4. Evaluation of Club effectiveness: (rate Poor, Good or
Excellent) Average attendance, inner-Club visits,
quality of bulletins and program speakers, Clubs
stability . . . and, where is information/reorientation
needed? How do you rate the Club leadership? How
did you help? Is the Secretary-Treasurer satisfied with
dues collections? How many members have been
replaced since the Organizational Meeting? Review
your visit and the Club’s most important needs with
the Lt. Governor and Governor. Identify areas for
encouragement and recognition. How will you
follow through?
Confirmation: Second visitation (after 180 days)
5. Name several youth activities the Club: a) has
completed, b) is researching for adoption. Identify
several fundraising activities.
6. Plan to contact or replace inactive members.
7. Are members now involved in Club activities, Zone/
District meetings?
8. Is the Club experiencing problems? What are they?
Have officers or chairs changed? What help do they
need? How will you follow through? • •
Investigation: Third visitation (after 270 days)
9. Is the Club healthy financially? Does the Club have
good programs? Does the Club have balanced
activities? What about esprit de corps?
10. Can the Club identify future leaders?
11. Does the secretary need help in any area?
12. Is the Club involved in the awards program?
13. Is the Club entering the community projects
competition? Which projects?
14. Is the Club attending District meetings and
15. Is there any problem? Can your Committee help?
16. Are they still having inter-Club visitations? How will
you follow through?
Congratulations: Fourth visitation (after 360 days)
17. Deliver a first anniversary certificate.
18. How many projects did the Club have?
19. Is the Club well structured? Are the Board and
Committees active? Are replacement chairs or officers
given a complete orientation of their duties?
20. Does the Club need assistance from the Lt. Governor?
The International Office?
We do certify that the _______________
Optimist Club of _________________________________________ ,
Sponsor of the _______________
Optimist Club of _________________________________________ ,
has in every respect, completed the New Club Sponsor Follow-up Program
as outlined by Optimist International.
Date Completed _______________________
(Within 90 days of organizing)
Attested by: _______________________________________________________________________
Charter President
The Optimist Club of ______________________________________________________________
District Representative
Field Representative Signature
of Completion