Produced by LCCC Public Relations PRS 9000 8/15
National Association of Insurance And
Financial Advisors
Southeastern Wyoming Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors
Deadline for applications must be postmarked by April 1 of each year
City, State, ZIP
Phone Email
Current School Student ID#
NAIFA membership #
My mother or father is a member of NAIFA Yes No
1. Paragraph describing your interest in insurance or financial advisory.
2. Paragraph describing your need for this scholarship
a. Are you currently saving towards your education?
b. Will you work and attend classes?
3. Resume
a. Copy of your current grade transcripts.
b. School organizations you belong to and offices held.
c. Community organizations you belong to and offices held.
d. Awards you have received.
e. Jobs that you have held.
f. Your future plans after graduation.
4. You must be a resident of the State of Wyoming
5. Three letters of reference.
Selection of award winner will be made by the second Tuesday of May by SEWAIFA Board
of Directors or SEWYAIFA scholarship committee. The scholarship award may be used for
education (including tuition, fees, books, room and board) at LCCC. It will be available only
once to a student of higher learning above high school.
By checking this box, I hereby certify the provided information is accurate to the
best of my knowledge. I also certify that I will allow the Scholarship and Financial
Aid Office at LCCC to release any information that is applicable to this application.