Mohawk Valley Community College
Student Clubs/Organizations &
Student Congress
1101 Sherman Drive - Utica, NY 13501
Performer Contract
This shall serve as a Contract agreement covering the appearance of Performer(s) ________________ at
Mohawk Valley Community College sponsored by _________________________ (referred to as employer).
Performer shall perform/speak on the date(s) ________________________________.
The sum of $_________ is to be paid to the performer for Service at the end of the last show by an Auxiliary
Services Corporation check, no payment will be made until appropriate tax forms are filed with ASC.
The program will begin at _______ and end at _______ lasting a total of ________ minutes excluding inter
Time of arrival to venue ________________________________________________.
Place of appearance/shows ______________________________________________.
Performer or his/her representative must contact the school administrator at least 48 hours prior to the first
appearance concerning approximate arrival time. Performer shall contact the following for this purpose.
____________________________ ______________________ __________________
Name Position Phone #
Performer must complete and return prior to engagement the following and the attached W-9 form (If not
contract is void).
Payment should be made to ________________________________
Federal Tax I.D. Number (if incorporated) ___________________
Or Social Security Number _____________________
Permanent Address ______________________________________
Performer can be located prior to the engagement at: Contact Person:
City ____________ State __________ Zip ___________ Phone (____) ___________
9. Performer agrees to furnish the employer payment for out of the pocket expenses in the event of a
cancellation or non-appearance, unless the performer produces reasonable documentation from
authorities stating that the performer was detained by an Act of God or any other cause beyond control.
10. In the event of cancellation as a result of an Act of God, or any other cause beyond the control of the
employer, and the performance cannot be rescheduled to the satisfaction of all parties, the contract shall
be renegotiated to reflect actual expense incurred by the parties.
____________ ________________________________________________
Date Performer or his/her Representative Signature
____________ ________________________________________________
Date Authorized Student Representative Signature
____________ ________________________________________________
Date Authorized MVCC Representative Signature