Applied learning is defined as an educational approach whereby students learn by engaging in direct application of skills,
theories and models. Students apply knowledge and skills gained from traditional classroom learning to hands-on and/or
real-world settings, creative projects or independent or directed research, and in turn apply what is gained from the
applied experience to academic learning. The applied learning activity can occur outside of the traditional classroom
experience and/or be embedded as part of a course.
Name of Faculty or Staff Requesting Funds: ___________________________________________________________________________
Email & Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Amount Requested Please break down if needed: _____________________________________________________________________
Description of Proposal please be as detailed as possible and attach an additional sheet if needed. The
proposal must include the following:
How are students prepared appropriately to participate in the experience?
How does this experience provide a real world context?
How does this experience provide for the practice of professional skills?
Which student learning outcomes are met and how?
Please identify assignments that will encourage students to meaningfully reflect on their experience, how
they will test assumptions and construct new knowledge:
Please identify how this experience will be evaluated by both the students and the person requesting the
funds. A copy of these evaluations must be sent to Student Engagement & Leadership for our own