Joint County Voters’ Pamphlet
Statement of Endorsement
Warning Submitting a false signature on this statment is a violation of ORS 251.405, subject to a civil penalty of up to $1000.
Filing Information This Statement of Endorsement is only valid for the election indicated below.
Election Date: _________________________________________
Statement of Endorsement Filing Information
Candidate Statement Candidate Name:
Measure # - Name of Person Who Furnished Argument:
Statement of Endorsement Options - Choose One Option
Option 1 allows the ler to determine how your name, the name of the organization you represent, if any, and other information about you will
appear in the ‘Candidate Statement’ or ‘Measure Argument’.
Option 2 requires the ler to reproduce your name, the name of the organization you represent, if any, and other information about you
exactly as you specify in the space provided.
Option 1- Determined by Filer
Endorser Name
Organization Name I am authorized to represent, if any
I give consent to the ler to use my name, applicable title, and/or the name of the organization I am authorized to represent, if any, and
other biographical information about me in a ‘Candidate Statement’ or ‘Measure Argument’ by the ler listed above.
Signature Date Signed
Option 2- Reproduction as Designated by Endorser
Endorser Name
Organization Name I am authorized to represent, if any
Required Reproduction
In the space below, provide your name and/or the name of the organization you are authorized to represent exactly as it should appear in the
‘Candidate Statement’ or ‘Measure Argument’. Your organization’s name should only be used if the organization is endorsing the ‘Candidate
Statement’ or ‘Measure Argument’. Your title must also be listed in this section if it is to appear in the ‘Candidate Statement’ or ‘Measure
I give consent to the ler to reproduce my name, applicable title, the name of the organization I am authorized to represent, if any, and other
biographical information about me, exactly as it appears in the Required Reproduction box, in a ‘Candidate Statement’ or ‘Measure
Argument’ by the ler listed above.
Signature Date Signed
ORS 251.335 JCVP-02
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Joint County Voters’ Pamphlet Statement of Endorsement Instructions
General Information
1. ‘JCVP-02 Joint County Voters’ Pamphlet Statement of Endorsement’ original, faxed, email attachment or copy of
the form should be received in conjunction with a JCVP-01 (Candidate Statement) or JCVP-03 (Measure Argument)
in the County Elections oce by 5 pm on the JCVP-01 or JCVP-03 ling deadline. Postmarks do not count. No
changes will be allowed to a JCVP-02 submittal after the 5 pm deadline. JCVP-02’s unsigned or received after the
5 pm deadline will be rejected. Digital signatures will not be accepted.
2. Endorsements will be tallied with word counts in JCVP-01 or JCVP-03.
Endorsement Options
If the name of an endorser (person or organization) or non-previously disseminated quote is used in a submitted
JCVP-01 or JCVP-03 as supporting or endorsing the candidate or measure, you must either le a JCVP-02 form using:
Option 1 - Determined by the Filer
Choosing ‘Option 1’ allows the ler to determine how your name, title and the name of the the organization you
represent, if any, and other information about you will appear in the ‘Candidate Statement’ or ‘Measure Argument’.
JCVP-02 must be signed by a person, or by an authorized person on behalf of an organization, stating that the ler has
consent to use the signee’s name, title, and/or organization name as submitted on the JCVP-01 or JCVP-03.
- OR -
Option 2 - Determined by the Endorser
Choosing ‘Option 2’ requires the ler to reproduce your name, the name of the organization you represent, if any, and
other information about you exactly as you specify in the space provided in their ‘Candidate Statement’ or ‘Measure
JCVP-02 must be signed by the endorser, or by an authorized person on behalf of an organization, providing consent
to use their name and title, if used, or organization’s name and/or a non-previously disseminated quote as the endorser
has provided to the ler in the JCVP-02 ‘Required Reproduction’ box.
Example 1 ‘Option 2’ Endorsement -
‘Candidate Statement’ language: “Cooper City Council unanimously endorses this candidate for Sheri.”
‘Required Reproduction’ box should contain the following: “Cooper City Council unanimously endorses this
candidate for Sheri. Cooper City Councilors” (Note: All Councilors on this Council must each sign a
separate JCVP-02 form with this information.)
Example 2 ‘Option 2’ Endorsement -
‘Measure Argument’ language: “Cooper County Sheris - Bill Smith, John Henry & Bob Cox”.
‘Required Reproduction’ box containing: Bill Smith, Cooper County Sheri; John Henry – Cooper County
Sheri; Bob Cox, Cooper County Sheri. (Note: Each endorser must sign a separate JCVP-02 form. For
this example there would be 3 forms.)
If a previously publicly disseminated quote is used, No JCVP-02 form is necessary. The quotation must have been
disseminated to the public prior to its’ inclusion in the JCVP-01 or JCVP-03 and the quotation must be identied in the
JCVP-01 or JCVP-03 by its source and date of publication/dissemination.
Example 1 - for identifying the source of a quote are:
Author Name (if applicable), Newspaper Name or Magazine Name or Book Title, Date of Publication; Author
Name (if applicable), Website (, Date of Posting.
Example 2 - of quotes:
“In the latest edition of the NW Times, the editorial board in the paper said this about me “… that Joe Smith is
the best person for the job.” NW Times, 11/24/2018.”
Contact Us
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ORS 251.355/251.405 JCVP-02
Clackamas County Elections
1710 Red Soils Ct, Suite 100
Oregon City, OR 97045
phone 503-655-8510
Washington County Elections
2925 NE Aloclek Dr, Suite 170
Hillsboro OR 97124-7523
phone 503-846-5800
Multnomah County Elections,
1040 SE Morrison Street
Portland, OR 97214
phone 503-988-3720
Yamhill County Elections
414 NE Evans Street
McMinnville, OR 97128
phone 503-434-7518