The keeping of chickens is regulated by Tualatin Municipal Code Chapter 6-15. Please submit the form below along
with a drawing or description of the chicken coop or run, and setback distances to all property lines and
neighboring residences.
Site Information
Site Address:
Assessor’s Map Number:
Name: Company Name:
State: ZIP Code:
Phone: Email:
As applicant, I certify that I agree to abide by the license provisions of TMC Chapter 6-15 for the duration of the license term.
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
Every licensee must comply with the following conditions at all times:
(1) The place where the chickens are to be kept must be within a planning district that allows the keeping of
chickens as a use;
(2) A maximum of four hens are permitted on any one lot;
(3) Roosters are prohibited;
(4) Harvesting or butchering of a chicken is prohibited;
(5) Chickens must be confined at all times within a chicken facility; unless, within a fenced yard and under the
direct supervision of the licensee;
(6) The chicken facility must be located in the rear yard of a lot and be at least ten feet from all property lines
and 25 feet from all residences;
(7) The chicken facility must not exceed 200 square feet in floor space;
(8) The chicken facility must not exceed a height of eight feet measured from the tallest part of the roof surface
to the ground;
(9) The coop must have at least three enclosed sides. The fourth side may be open with the open side facing
away from all neighboring property lines;
(10) The chicken facility and the place where the chickens are located must be maintained in good repair, in a
clean and sanitary condition, and free of vermin, and obnoxious smells and substances that create a nuisance for
adjoining property; and
(11) Chicken feed must be properly stored in a vermin-proof container or receptacle.