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1. THE PARTIES. This Florida Lease Agreement (the “Agreement”) made on
__________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) is between:
Landlord Name: ______________________________ (the “Landlord”)
Landlord Address: _____________________________________________________, AND
Tenant Name(s): _______________________________________________ (the “Tenant”).
The Landlord and Tenant are collectively referred to in this Agreement as the “Parties.”
HEREINAFTER, the Tenant agrees to lease the Premises from the Landlord under the
following terms and conditions:
2. PROPERTY. Landlord hereby leases the property located at
________________________________________________ to the Tenant (the “Premises”).
3. LEASE TYPE. This lease shall be considered a: (check one)
- Fixed Lease. The Tenant shall be allowed to occupy the Premises starting on
__________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) and ending on __________________ (mm/dd/yyyy)
(the “Lease Term”). At the end of the Lease Term, the Tenant: (check one)
- Can continue to lease the Premises on a month-to-month basis, under the same
terms as this Agreement.
- Must vacate (leave) the Premises.
- Month-to-Month Lease. The Tenant shall be permitted to occupy the Premises on
month-to-month basis starting on __________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) and ending upon a
notice of _____ (#) days from either party, in accordance with State law (the “Lease Term”).
4. RENT. The rent to be paid by the Tenant to the Landlord throughout the Lease Term is to be
made in monthly installments of $_______________ (the “Rent”). The Rent shall be due on
the ______ day of each month (the “Due Date”). The Rent shall be paid via the following
instructions: ______________________________________________________________.
5. LATE FEE. If Rent is not paid by the Due Date: (check one)
- The Tenant will be charged a fee of $____________. Rent is considered late if it ha
not been paid within ______ (#) day(s) after the Due Date.
- There shall be NO Late Fee if the Rent is late.
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6. PRORATION PERIOD. The Tenant: (check one)
- Shall take possession of the Premises before the start of the Lease Term on
__________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) and agrees to pay a total of $_____________ for the
proration period (the “Proration Rent”). The Proration Rent shall be paid by the Tenant upon
the execution of this Agreement.
- Shall NOT be taking possession of the Premises before the start of the Lease Term.
7. SECURITY DEPOSIT. As part of this Agreement: (check one)
- The Landlord requires a payment of $_______________ (the “Security Deposit”) for the
faithful performance of the Tenant under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The
Security Deposit is required by the Tenant upon the execution of this Agreement. The
Security Deposit shall be returned to the Tenant within _____ (#) days after the end of the
Lease Term, less any itemized deductions. This Security Deposit shall not be credited
towards any Rent unless the Landlord gives their written consent.
- The Landlord does NOT require the Tenant to pay a Security Deposit as part of this
8. RETURNED CHECKS (NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS). If the Tenant pays the Rent with a
check that bounces due to insufficient funds: (check one)
- The Tenant will be required to pay a fee of $__________ per incident.
- The Tenant will NOT be required to pay a fee.
9. OCCUPANTS. The Premises is to be occupied strictly as a residential dwelling with the
following individual(s) in addition to the Tenant: (check one)
- _____________________________________________________ (the “Occupant(s)”).
- There are NO Occupant(s) in addition to the Tenant.
10. MOVE-IN INSPECTION. Before, at the time of, or shortly after move-in, the Landlord and
Tenant: (check one)
- Agree to inspect the Premises and write any present damages or needed repairs on a
move-in checklist.
- Shall NOT inspect the Premises or complete a move-in checklist.
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11. FURNISHINGS. The Premises is: (check one)
- Furni
shed (or will be furnished) with the following items:
- NOT furnished.
12. UT
ILITIES. The Landlord shall pay for the following utilities and services to the Tenant, with
any absent being the responsibility of the Tenant:
13. PA
RKING. The Tenant (check one):
- Is
allotted _____ (#) parking space(s):
- Free of charge (included in the Rent).
- At a cost of $_______ to be paid upon execution of this Agreement | monthly.
- Is NOT provided parking.
14. PETS
. The Tenant is: (check one)
- Per
mitted to have _____ (#) pet(s) on the Premises, ONLY consisting of (list pet types):
If permitted, the Landlord shall charge a refundable pet deposit of $__________ to cover
potential damage to the Premises caused by the Tenant’s pet(s).
- NOT permitted to have pets of any nature on the Premises.
15. SM
OKING POLICY. Smoking on the Premises is: (check one)
- Per
mitted ONLY in the following area(s): ____________________________________.
- Prohibited on the Premises and all Common Areas.
16. SAL
E OF PROPERTY. If the Premises is sold during the Lease Term, the Tenant is to be
notified of the contact details of the new Owner, and if there is a new Manager, their contact
details for repairs and maintenance shall also be forwarded to the Tenant. If the Premises is
conveyed to another party, the new owner: (check one)
- Has
the right to terminate this Agreement by providing _____ (#) days’ notice to the
- Does NOT have the right to terminate this Agreement.
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17. NOTICES. Any notice sent by the Landlord or the Tenant to each other shall use the
following addresses:
d Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________
Tenant Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________
18. ACCE
SS. Upon the beginning of the proration period or the start of the Lease Term,
whichever is earlier, the Landlord agrees to give the Tenant access in the form of keys, fobs,
cards, or any type of keyless security entry as needed to enter the common areas and the
Premises. Duplicate copies of the access provided may only be authorized under the
consent of the Landlord and, if any replacements are needed, the Landlord may provide
them for a fee. At the end of this Agreement all access provided to the Tenant shall be
returned to the Landlord or a fee will be charged to the Tenant or subtracted from the
Security Deposit.
19. RIGHT OF ENTRY. The Landlord shall have the right to enter the Premises during normal
working hours by providing at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to inspect and make
necessary repairs/alterations/improvements for any reasonable purpose. The Landlord may
exhibit the Premises to prospective purchasers, mortgagees, or lessees upon reasonable
20. AT
TORNEYS' FEES. Should it become necessary for the Landlord to employ an attorney to
enforce any of the conditions or covenants hereof, including the collection of rentals or
gaining possession of the Premises, the Tenant agrees to pay all expenses so incurred,
including a reasonable attorneys' fee.
21. NOISE. The Tenant agrees not to cause or allow any noise or activity on the Premises
which might disturb the peace and quiet of another Tenant and/or neighbor. Said noise
and/or activity shall be a breach of this Agreement.
22. GU
ESTS. There shall be no other persons living on the Premises other than the Tenant and
any Occupant(s). Guests of the Tenant can stay on the Premises for periods not lasting for
more than forty-eight (48) hours, unless otherwise approved by the Landlord in writing.
23. EQ
UAL HOUSING. If the Tenant possesses any mental or physical impairment, the
Landlord shall provide reasonable modifications to the Premises unless the modifications
would be too difficult or expensive for the Landlord to provide. Any impairment(s) of the
Tenant are encouraged to be provided and presented to the Landlord in writing as to provide
the Landlord with ample time to seek the most appropriate route for providing said
modifications to the Premises.
24. WA
IVER. No delay or failure of the Landlord to enforce any part of this Agreement shall be
deemed as a waiver thereof, nor shall any acceptance of any partial payment of Rent or any
other amount due be deemed a waiver of the Landlord’s right to the entire amount due.
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25. MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, & ALTERATIONS. The Tenant will, at the Tenant’s sole
expense, keep and maintain the Premises in a good, clean, and sanitary condition and repair
during the Lease Term and any renewal thereof. The Tenant shall be responsible to make all
to the Premises, fixtures, appliances, and equipment therein that may have been
damaged by the Tenant’s misuse, waste, or neglect, or that of the Tenant’s family, agents, or
visitors. The Tenant agrees that no painting or alterations will be performed on or about the
Premises without the prior written consent of the Landlord. The Tenant shall promptly notify
the Landlord of any damage, defect, or destruction of the Premises or in the event of the
failure of any of the appliances or equipment. The Landlord will use its best efforts to repair
or replace any such damaged or defective areas, appliances, or equipment.
26. PREMISES DEEMED UNINHABITABLE. If the Premises is deemed uninhabitable due to
damage beyond reasonable repair, the Tenant will be able to terminate this Agreement by
written notice to the Landlord. If said damage was due to the negligence of the Tenant, the
Tenant shall be liable to the Landlord for all repairs and for the loss of income due to
restoring the Premises back to a livable condition in addition to any other losses that can be
proved by the Landlord.
27. DEFAULT. If the Tenant fails to comply with any of the financial or material provisions of this
Agreement, or of any present rules and regulations or any that may be hereafter prescribed
by the Landlord, or materially fails to comply with any duties imposed on the Tenant by State
laws, within the time period after delivery of written notice by the Landlord specifying the
non-compliance and indicating the intention of the Landlord to terminate the Agreement by
reason thereof, the Landlord may terminate this Agreement. If the Tenant fails to pay the
Rent by the Due Date and the default continues for the time-period specified in the written
notice thereafter, the Landlord may exercise any and all rights and remedies available to the
Landlord at law or in equity and may immediately terminate this Agreement.
The Tenant will be in default if:
a. The Tenant does not pay the Rent or any other amounts as they are owed;
b. The Tenant, their guests, or the Occupant(s) violate this Agreement, or fire, safety,
health, and/or criminal laws, regardless of whether arrest or conviction occurs;
c. The Tenant abandons the Premises;
d. The Tenant gives incorrect or false information in the rental application;
e. The Tenant, or any Occupant(s), are arrested, convicted, or given deferred
adjudication for a criminal offense involving actual or potential physical harm to a
person, or involving possession, manufacture, or delivery of a controlled substance,
marijuana, or drug paraphernalia under Florida statute;
f. Any illegal drugs or paraphernalia are found in the Premises or on the person of the
Tenant, guests, or Occupant(s) while on the Premises; and/or
g. As otherwise allowed by law.
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28. ABANDONMENT. Abandonment shall have occurred if, without notifying the Landlord, the
Tenant is absent from the Premises for the Florida-mandated minimum time period, or seven
(7) days, whichever length of time is less. In the event of Abandonment, the Landlord will
have the right to immediately terminate the Agreement and remove the Tenant’s personal
29. POSSESSION. The Tenant has examined the condition of the Premises, and by taking
possession acknowledges that they have accepted the Premises in good order and in its
current condition except as herein otherwise stated. Failure of the Landlord to deliver
possession of the Premises at the start of the Lease Term to the Tenant shall terminate this
Agreement at the option of the Tenant. Furthermore, under such failure to deliver possession
by the Landlord, and if the Tenant cancels this Agreement, the Security Deposit (if any) shall
be returned to the Tenant along with any other pre-paid rent and fees, including any fee paid
by the Tenant during the application process before the execution of this Agreement.
30. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. The Tenant shall not assign this Agreement or sublet
any portion of the Premises without prior written consent of the Landlord, which shall not be
unreasonably withheld.
31. JOINT AND SEVERAL. If the Tenant is comprised of more than one person, each person
shall be jointly and severally liable under this Agreement.
32. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. The Tenant agrees to not possess any type of personal
property that could be considered a fire hazard such as a substance having flammable or
explosive characteristics on the Premises. Items that are prohibited to be brought into the
Premises other than for everyday cooking or the need of an appliance includes, but is not
limited to, gas (compressed), gasoline, fuel, propane, kerosene, motor oil, fireworks, or any
other related content in the form of a liquid, solid, or gas.
33. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof shall, for any
reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, neither the remainder of this
Agreement nor the application of the provision to other persons, entities, or circumstances
shall be affected thereby, but instead shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by
34. RETALIATION. The Landlord is prohibited from making any type of retaliatory acts against
the Tenant including, but not limited to, restricting access to the Premises, decreasing or
canceling services or utilities, failing to repair appliances or fixtures, or any other type of act
that could be considered unjustified.
35. INDEMNIFICATION. The Landlord shall not be liable for any damage or injury to the Tenant,
or any other person, or to any property, occurring on the Premises, or any part thereof, or in
common areas thereof, and the Tenant agrees to hold the Landlord harmless from any
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claims or damages unless caused solely by the Landlord’s negligence. It is recommended
that renter’s insurance be purchased at the Tenant’s expense.
36. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Florida.
37. LEAD-BASED PAINT. The Premises (check one):
- Was built prior to 1978. An attachment titled “Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based
Paint and/or Lead-Based Paint Hazards” has been affixed to the Agreement and must be
initialed and signed by the Parties.
- Was NOT built prior to 1978.
39. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains all the terms agreed t
o by the Parties and
may be modified or amended only by written agreement signed by the Landlord and Tenant.
This Agreement replaces all previous discussions, understandings, and oral agreements.
The Parties agree to the terms and conditions and shall be bound until the end of the Lease
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the
day and year first above written.
Landlord’s S
ignature: _________________________________
Date: _______________
Printed Name: ___________________________________
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tenant’s S
ignature: ___________________________________
Date: _______________
Printed Name: ___________________________________
Tenant’s S
ignature: ___________________________________
Date: _______________
Printed Name: ___________________________________
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1. RADON. In order to satisfy Florida statute § 404.056(5), all tenants must be provided
with a radon gas
disclosure which includes the following language:
“RADON GAS: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated
in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to
it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in
buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be
obtained from your county health department.”
2. SECURITY DEPOSIT. In accordance with Florida statute § 83.49(2) landlords with more
than five (5) individual dwelling units must give tenants written notice regarding their
security deposit. The notice must include all information stated in Subsection (2) of Section
83.49 of the Florida statutes.
3. IDENTIFICATION. In accordance with Florida s
tatute § 83.50, at or before the start of
the tenancy, the name and address of the landlord or person authorized to receive notices
and demands on the landlord's behalf must be provided to the tenant.
Security Deposit Receipt
Date: _______________
Dear ________________,
The Landlord shall hold the Security Deposit in a separate account at a bank
located at _______________________________________ [Street Address]
in the City of ___________________, State of Florida.
The Security Deposit in the amount of $__________________ (US Dollars)
has been deposited in _______________ [Bank Name] with the Account
Number of _____________________ for the full performance of the Lease
executed on the ___ day of ____________________, 20___.
Tenant shall receive (check one)
____ % of the annualized average interest rate or
____ % simple interest per year.
____________________ ____________________ _________________
Landlord’s Signature Print Name Date
Your lease requires payment of certain deposits. The landlord may transfer advance rents to the
landlord's account as they are due and without notice. When you move out, you must give the
landlord your new address so that the aldnlord can send you notices regarding your deposit. The
landlord must mail you notice, withint 30 days after you move out, of the landlord's intent to impose a
claim agains the deposit. If you do not reply to the landlord stating your objection to the claim
within15 days after receipt of the landlord's notice, the landlord will collect the claim and must mail
you the remaining deposit, if any.
If the landlord fails to timely mail you notice, the landlord must return the deposit but may later file a
lawsuit against you for damages. If you fail to timely object to a claim, the landlord may collect from
the deposit, but you may later file a lawsuit claiming a refund.
You should attempt to informally resolve any dispute before filing a lawsuit. Generally, the party in
whose favor a judgment is rendered will be awarded costs and attorney fees payable by the losing
This disclosure is basic. Please refer to the Part II of Chapter 83, Florida Statutes, to determine your
legal rights and obligations.