January 2016
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Pursuant to Drinking Water Protection Regulation - Section 6(3) (C)
Applicant: _______________________________________________________ Population Served: ____________
Legal Owner: ___________________________________________________ Number of Connections: ________
Water System Name or Business Name: __________________________________________________________
Is this a New System? Yes ______ (If No, proceed to Section B)
NOTE: For this request, ‘new’ includes any system without a valid operating permit, including currently
operating unapproved systems. Generally, a system is considered new only if an operating permit has never been
required (i.e. new construction, systems previously serving a single-family home.)
If Yes, submit the following:
Application for Drinking Water System
Site plan showing water source(s), buildings, potential sources of contamination (septic systems, chemical
storage, fuel storage, etc)
Schematic of proposed construction
Equipment manufacturer’s information and certification
Water test results - both chemical and bacteriological
Water source and current treatment information (SECTION C)
For groundwater, well log, well plate number, pump test, contact info for well driller/ pump installer
For surface water, a copy of the water license, details of intake
Is this an Existing system? Yes ____ (If No, return to Section A or contact the Drinking Water Officer (DWO))
NOTE: Existing systems are only those with a valid operating permit issued to the current owner.
If Yes, provide the following details:
A schematic or explanation of the proposed construction
Equipment manufacturer’s information and certification
Water source and current treatment information (SECTION C)
For a NEW water source, submit water test results (chemical and bacteriological)
NOTE: A source may be NEW if it is not indicated on the operating permit- if in doubt, discuss with the DWO.
Water Source Information:
Deep well Shallow well Flowing surface water Non-flowing surface water Spring Ocean
Infiltration gallery Roof top harvest Hauled water: (hauler: ) Bulk Water (system: )
Existing Disinfection:
None chlorination chloramination ultraviolet irradiation ozone other:
ExistingTreatment: NSF approved Yes No
Membrane Filtration (MF, UF, or NF)
Ion Exchange (Fe/Mg removal, softening, etc)