Current State of Research Project:
Active - project is ongoing
Currently inactive - project was initiated but is presently inactive
Inactive - project was never initiated
Total number of subjects
tested to date
Total number of subjects
withdrawing their
participation once
Total number of subjects
tested since the last IRB
If Applicable/Known, Explain the reason(s) why subjects withdrew.
Problems/Adverse Events
No problems/adverse events have occurred
One or more problems/adverse events have occurred
If There Were Problems/Adverse Events
All have been reported to the SUU IRB
One of more problems have not been reported to the SUU IRB (Please complete and
attach the Human Subjects Incident Report Form)
Relevant Literature/Findings:
Describe any recent literature or findings since the last IRB review which may affect participants’
willingness to participate, risks, and/or vulnerability status. If any of the proposed changes
increase the risk level and/or increase participants vulnerability status, you must provide explicit
rationale and justification for the change, and a means by which the effect of these changes
may be minimized. This information must be included in the informed consent document/script.