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Title IV (Perkins, NDSL, Stafford, SLS, PLUS) Loans in Repayment
Unemployment Certification
1. I certify that I am currently unemployed or am not employed full-time (that is,
working more than 29 hours per week in a job expected to last at least three
months) and am actively seeking full-time employment.
2. In order to verify that I am actively seeking employment, I have registered or will
register with an employment agency and have this form certified by that agency.
3. I affirm that I have read this entire form carefully and fully understand its
contents. I affirm all statements made on this form are true and correct. I
understand that Southern Utah University has the right to verify the authenticity
of my unemployment and make any necessary inquiry in connection with the
review of information concerning my ability to repay.
Borrower Signature ___________________________________________________
Date ____________________________
Employment Agency Certification
I certify that the above named individual has been duly registered with this employment
agency since _________________________
And is currently seeking employment.
Area Code/Telephone Number
Signature of Employment Service