Relevant Literature/Findings:
Describe any recent literature or findings since the last IRB review which may affect participants’
willingness to participate, risks, and/or vulnerability status. If any of the proposed changes
increase the risk level and/or increase participants vulnerability status, you must provide explicit
rationale and justification for the change, and a means by which the effect of these changes
may be minimized. This information must be included in the informed consent document/script.
Changes to Project:
Indicate which of the following changes (modifications or addendum) you would like to make, if
No changes requested
Project personnel-If new PI or Faculty Supervisor IRB Training Certificate must be
attached or on file.
Test Location- If off campus permission letter from site must accompany this application
Testing material or apparatus
Incentives/compensation for participation
Informed consent
Other: please describe
For each change requested above, indicate what/how you proposed initially (i.e. that which was
approved) and the modifications/addendum you would now like to make. For each change,
address what if any impact the change might have on a) risks and benefits to the participants
and others, and b) the vulnerability status of participants.