International residential permission to plan form
It is the responsibility of the license holder to ensure that Girlguiding policies and
procedures are followed and that this form is completed accurately, updated information
sent to the commissioner where necessary and that the event does not go ahead until
authorisation is received.
When to use this form
You must use this form to gain permission to plan an international event and the form must be submitted before any
bookings (for flights, accommodation or travel) have been made. This will normally be a minimum of between 9-18
months before the proposed date of travel, depending on the amount of preparation required (a shorter period may
be accepted in exceptional circumstances).
When your commissioner gives permission to plan an international event she will return this form to you and will
indicate dates by which the Residential Event Notification, risk assessment, itinerary, travel insurance details and
emergency contact information must be received by her
Remember as this form includes personal data you must make sure you follow the data protection procedures when
completing, sharing or sending the form.
When planning a residential or overnight
event you must refer to Girlguiding
residential event procedures.
Please refer to the guidance notes
attached before completing
this form.
Leader in charge/licence holder
This refers to the person with overall responsibility for the event
Licence Holder Details
First name/s
Surname Membership no.
Contact number Contact email
Going away with scheme assessment required? Yes No
If yes, which going away with licence modules do you hold or are you working towards (please tick all that apply):
Modules 1-4
(basic Going Away With licence)
Module 5 (Catering)
Module 6 (Programme)
Qualifications Completion date
held/working towards Date achieved if working towards
Held Working towards
Held Working towards
Module 7 (Facilities)
Module 8 (Camping Equipment)
Module 9 (Travelling Abroad Module)
Other adult leaders and adults
Name of unit/s:
Please tell us total maximum number attending below:
Brownies Guides Rangers Young leaders
Adult volunteers/members
Other children:
Event details
Please tell us as much information as you can about where you are going including countries you are travelling
through, the dates and activities you are planning to do:
Please tell us about travel arrangements and how you will manage anticipated risks:
How will you travel to and from your destination/s
Have you checked current Foreign Office advice about the country/ies you are travelling to/through? Yes No
What, if any, are the restrictions or risks mentioned by the Foreign Office?
How will you monitor whether the destination/s and country/ies you are travelling to/through do not pose an
unacceptable risk?
Name(s) of Membership Role at residential Qualifications (including Requiring
leader/volunteer number (eg catering, first aid) what level of A Safe assessment
Space held) at event (Y/N)
Other adults (eg parents, carers or members of other organisations
Their details must be included in “details of adults” section above)
Number Male/Female/gender neutral Age
Commissioner to complete
Dates for submission of forms, risk assessment, itinerary, emergency contact details.
9-18 months before travel - REN Form (part 1), Risk assessment,
draft itinerary, travel insurance certificate
4 months before travel – updated risk assessment and itinerary
4 weeks before travel – REN From (part 2), final itinerary,
home contact’s details, emergency contact details for all participants
Date due:
Commissioner’s signature
Signed Date
Email Telephone
International Adviser approval (international events)
Signed Date
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Permission to plan form (international events only)
- guidance notes
It is the responsibility of the license holder to ensure that Girlguiding policies and
procedures are followed and that this form is completed accurately, updated information
sent to the commissioner where necessary and that the event does not go ahead until
authorisation is received. Remember as this form includes personal data you must make sure
you follow the data protection procedures when completing, sharing or sending the form.
When to submit
You must submit the form 9-18 months before the proposed date of travel. You can submit it earlier and we
encourage you to do so in certain circumstances. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to:
• Highcost
• Youarerelyingonfundraising
• YouaretravellingoutsideEurope
• Lengthoftripismorethan1week
In exceptional circumstances you may be allowed to submit this form later than the minimum period, subject to the
discretion of your commissioner.
You cannot submit part 1 of the REN form until you have received permission to plan.
Your commissioner may have additional questions or require further information before signing this form off. Please
provide as much information as possible at this stage to enable her to make a decision.
Leader in charge/licence holder
This refers to the person with overall responsibility for the event. They must complete the form and seek the
commissioner’s approval. This person already holds or is working towards the relevant modules of the Going Away
• Thebasiclicenseforgoingawayis:Modules1to4ofGoingAwayWithScheme;and
• Module6oftheGoingAwayWithSchemeforthesectionyouaretakingaway.Atthediscretionof
your commissioner, you may work towards module 6 for a new section while on an international
international trip.
You must also have led a Girlguiding residential event lasting two nights or more.
modules so that she can ensure that a mentor is appointed and that you get the support needed to successfully
complete your qualification.
You must confirm what qualifications you hold including level/s of A Safe Space training you have completed. Where
it is not yet completed but working towards you can include this in the box provided.
You must provide your membership number so that your commissioner can look up your details on GO to check
relevant qualifications.
Other adult leaders and adults
Your commissioner needs this information, including membership numbers, to check relevant qualifications and that
all adults have completed the necessary recruitment checks and are on GO (DBS for England & Wales and some BGO,
Branches and PVG for Scotland and Access NI for Ulster.) Please include here all adult volunteers such as parents,
carers and occasional residential helpers .
Unit participant section
include the name of the unit/s (as they appear on GO) and break down the numbers using the table. If you do not
know exact numbers at this stage please state the maximum number you anticipate.
Event details and travel
It is important that you include where you are going and what country/ies you are travelling through. You will need
to refer to advice from the Foreign Office at
Please tell your commissioner what activities you will be doing including those that your leadership team will be
running as well as activities run by other organisations
You will need to include a risk assessment when you submit REN Part 1. Please show here how you are thinking about
risks (this will include travel, activities and any known risks relating to participants) at the pre-planning stage.
Commissioner section
Confirm the date/s for receipt of REN part 1 and initial risk assessment, and draft itinerary.
Updated information and REN part 2 with updated risk assessment, final itinerary, copy of group insurance document,
and emergency contact details for all participants and the Home Contact’s details.
Sign and date the form and return indication within 2 weeks of receipt. Where you are unable to meet this
timeframe due to holidays (for example) please acknowledge receipt where possible and indicate the date by which
you will respond.
If you require further information in order to make a decision, please let the leader know as soon as possible. You
may want to discuss with your County International Adviser and/or County Outdoor Adviser, as appropriate.