CERTIFICATE for HMRC Charity Registration (NI)
(Northern Ireland)
Name of unit or area:
Correspondence address: .........................................................................................................
Phone number: ............................................................................................................................
Applicant full name:
Address: .................................
National Insurance number:
Date of birth: ..........................
Authorised signatory
for Girlguiding:
Responsible person 1 full name:
Address: .................................
National Insurance number:
Date of birth: ..........................
Date: .....................................
Responsible person 2 full name:
Address: .................................
National Insurance number:
Date of birth: ..........................
See explanatory notes on next page
The branch of The Guide Association named above is constituted in accordance with the Royal Charter and Bye-laws
of The Guide Association and governed by The Guiding Manual and the Association’s handbooks, with the principal
charitable objective of promoting education of girls and young women to help them develop emotionally, mentally,
physically and spiritually so that they can make a positive contribution to their community and the wider world.
It is registered with the Northern Ireland Charities Commission as a charity under the above name.
Registration number:
Details of Responsible Persons
Charitable status and constitution of units and areas (branches) of The Guide Association
The Guide Association is a registered charity, incorporated by Royal Charter, and has the working name Girlguiding. It is a
national organisation and has organised guiding activities throughout the United Kingdom by establishing units (Rainbows,
Brownies, Guides and The Senior Section) and areas (Districts, Divisions and Counties) as branches of the Association.
These branches are formally constituted in accordance with the provisions of Article 2(iii) of the Royal Charter,
and Bye-law 9(2)(c) of the Bye-laws made pursuant to Article 8 of the Royal Charter.
The units and areas of The Guide Association, although branches of the Association, have the status of independent
charities capable of registration in their own right. By virtue of the Charities (Exception of Certain Charities for Boy
Scouts and Girl Guides from Registration) Regulations, 1961 SI 1961 No. 1044, generally only those units and areas which
have the rateable use and occupation of property, or a permanent endowment, are obliged to register; all others have
the status of ‘excepted charities’.
Bye-law 9(2)(d) empowers the Committee of the Council of The Guide Association to make rules for the regulation of
the affairs of the units and areas for the time being governed by the Association, and the pursuant to that Bye-law the
constitutional structure and activities of units and areas of The Guide Association are regulated by the provisions of
The Guiding Manual (on the Association’s website) and the Association’s handbooks.
In accordance with these:
1. The aim of guiding is to help girls and young women develop emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually
so that they can make a positive contribution to their community and the wider world (reflecting the primary
charitable object laid down by the Royal Charter).
2. The trustees of each branch will be the adult holders of guiding appointments in that branch, in accordance with
the provisions for appointments and the termination of appointments laid down by The Guiding Manual.
3. In the event of the disbandment of the branch, its assets are transferred to The Guide Association (and by custom
and practice redeployed for guiding purposes in the some locality).
4. Membership of Girlguiding is open to any girl or young woman aged between her 5th and 26th birthdays, and
adult membership to any women or men aged 18 or over, regardless of faith, race, culture, nationality or any
other circumstance. Applications for membership are made to the appropriate adult Leader or Commissioner,
whose details are available from the Association’s headquarters.
Roger Peters
Solicitor & Legal Consultant to The Guide Association
17–19 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 0PT
Telephone: 020 7834 6242
March 2010