AWRF Membership Application Rev.8 (final) 9/2016 Page 1
Revision 8 (final) 09/2016
Instructions for AWRF Applicants
If your company desires to apply for membership in Associated Wire Rope Fabricators, we ask you first to
read, understand and accept in advance our Purposes of the Association, our Code of Ethics, our
Antitrust Policy and the other conditions that are printed on the Application Form.
With the exception of new REGULAR members, new members and rejoining members must pay an
administrative fee ($250) and the annual dues appropriate for the applicant. The one-time fee is required
only at the time of application. The dues are paid at the time of application, and again each year during
the dues collection period (typically December 1st through January 15th). New members are certified
each quarter during the Board of Directors meetings.
New regular members must pay a one-time administrative fee of $ 495 only (no additional dues) for the
year they join the association. Regular dues will be billed for the next full year of membership.
Our annual dues vary, as determined by the "Gross Annual Sales" in U.S. dollars of the total corporate
entity of the joining company. This refers to total sales, not merely the sales within the industry, and is
predicated upon the presumption that entities with larger sales volume are better able to bear a larger
share of the administratrive costs of the association. The dues table at the bottom of this instruction sheet
lists the applicable dues for various "Gross Annual Sales" volumes. Choose the dues amount applicable
for your total corporate sales.
All AWRF business is conducted through a single designated contact person at each member company
address. All mailings are sent to this contact person who also has the right to vote on behalf of the
member. We can send additional mailings to other persons at other locations if the company is doing
business under the same name at another address, and desires to have additional mailings. This is
known as a "Branch Member" mailing. The cost is $242 per year additional dues. The designated contact
person must first pay the member dues before requesting to have a branch mailing. Determine the
amount to send in by adding the application fee to the appropriate dues amount, if applicable. New
REGULAR members pay $ 495 only. Make your check or money order payable to: "Associated Wire
Rope Fabricators" P.O. 748, Walled Lake, MI 48390-0748.
Complete the Application Form and sign it. Send the completed form, together with your check, your
company's evidence of Products Liability Insurance and company literature (product catalogs, brochures,
etc.) to association headquarters:
AWRF, P.O. 748, Walled Lake, MI 48390-0748
Dues amounts in US$ applicable to total corporate sales:
Gross Annual Sales less than $1 million = $605
Gross Annual Sales $1 million to $3 million = $908
Gross Annual Sales $3 million to $6 million = $1271
Gross Annual Sales $6 million to $10 million = $1513
Gross Annual Sales $10 million or more = $2178
Affiliated Membership = $363 at any time
Branch Membership = $242 at any time
Applications submitted prior to June 30
should include dues for the full year. Applications submitted
between July 1 and September 30th should include 1/2 of the annual dues. Applications submitted after
September 30th will be considered for the upcoming year and should include the full annual dues amount.
AWRF Membership Application Rev.8 (final) 9/2016 Page 2
Please read and understand our:
To promote interests common among companies manufacturing, fabricating, or distributing lifting,
rigging and load securement devices, and other integral components of wire rope, chain and
synthetic products
To establish, acquire, preserve and disseminate technical information within the industry
To encourage the development of safety standards for manufacturing, fabricating and distributing
of lifting, rigging and load securement devices, including promotion of suggested safety programs
and procedures applicable to the industry
To establish product identification procedures directly related to the industry
To assist in establishing and maintaining adequate products liability insurance, as well as other
insurance needs for the industry
To consider and deal with common problems of the industry, such as those involving production,
distribution and service functions of industry members and to advance by all lawful means the
common purposes of the industry
To suggest, promote and distribute safety programs, procedures and materials applicable to the
members’ workplace
Code of Ethics
The members of Associated Wire Rope Fabricators (AWRF) recognize a responsibility to promote ethical
business practices within the industry. In pursuit of that goal, the Association hereby adopts the following
principles and guidelines:
To dedicate ourselves to individual agreements with customers and suppliers
To create an atmosphere of trust in which our companies and our customers can thrive
To generally understand and observe all phases of the law dealing with business practices of
international and domestic exchanges, including proper identification and marking of all products
To avoid deceptive or unlawful statements, promises or testimonials which may mislead
customers or the general public
To resist all efforts to prohibit the free exchange of ideas and information, other than those
subjects prohibited by the antitrust laws
To conduct ourselves in a professional manner at all times and to represent AWRF, our industry
and our companies to the best of our ability
AWRF Membership Application Rev.8 (final) 9/2016 Page 3
Antitrust Policy
The policy set forth below constitutes the collective attitude of AWRF, including its members of all
categories, sponsors and staff, regarding the federal and state antitrust laws. Since a trade association
is, by nature, a group of competitors with the capacity for collusive activities, which can result in restraint
of trade, it is the intent of AWRF to act in strict compliance with all state and federal antitrust laws. The
two principal antitrust laws, which are particularly applicable to trade associations, are Sections One and
Two of the Sherman Act and Section Five of the Federal Trade Commission Act. These acts respectively
prohibit contracts, combinations and conspiracies in restraint of trade; monopolies and attempts to
monopolize; unfair methods of competition; and unfair or deceptive business practices. Because it is
often difficult to determine whether an association has bordered on a violation of the antitrust laws, AWRF
has established certain principles, which may be expanded or modified as new law develops. These
principles are as follows:
Membership shall not be denied to any qualified entity
There shall be no discrimination in space allocation at product information exhibits
Group boycotts and price fixing, express or implied, are per se violations of the law. Collusive
behavior regarding freight allowances, discounts and warranties is also prohibited by the antitrust
laws. Price fixing may involve combinations of competitors or suppliers and their customers with
respect to resale price. AWRF will not tolerate any discussion of agreements or arrangements
which expressly or inferentially address price fixing or any other subjects which violate the
antitrust laws
AWRF has adopted a clear policy which precludes the establishment of standards
Any statistical reporting shall have as its purpose the provision of information to the industry and
to the public. This purpose shall be expressed as the information is disseminated. Participation
shall be voluntary. Only past transactions shall be reported and they shall always be in
composite form
Any concerns regarding AWRF policies or procedures should be discussed with staff, counsel,
officers and directors
The results of Association research projects shall be made available to the industry and to the
Members of AWRF shall at all times enjoy the freedom to make independent decisions in matters
involving competition
Members of AWRF shall familiarize themselves with basic federal and state antitrust laws,
including the Sherman Act, Clayton Act, FTC Act and Robinson-Patman Act
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Associated Wire Rope Fabricators Application Form
COMPANY NAME:____________________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________
By signing this form we acknowledge that we fully understand the Associated Wire Rope Fabricators is
incorporated as a non-profit trade association of companies primarily concerned with the lifting, rigging
and load securement industry, and...
We also understand that the common goals of the AWRF are the establishment of the highest possible
standards of quality, craftsmanship, and dependable service, and we will support these goals as well as
the published Purposes and the Code of Ethics of AWRF, the Antitrust Policy and all other policies, as
well as the By-laws and regulations determined by the association's directors, and...
We understand that if we do business in North America, at the time of this Application and each year
thereafter at the time of the annual dues collection, we will furnish proof to the Association, in the form of
a certificate or letter, that we are maintaining the required product liability coverage for continental North
America. The official identification and address of our insurance carrier(s) must be included. Regular,
manufacturing, non-manufacturing and sponsor members who are self-insured must furnish a certificate
or letter demonstrating that they have umbrella insurance coverage in the required amount. Branch or
Affiliated members who do business in North America, and who are not covered by their parent or affiliate
company(s), must also comply with the terms and conditions of this paragraph. Minimum coverage (basic
or umbrella) must equate to One Million U.S. Dollars. Applicants for membership who do not provide
goods or services, or otherwise do business in continental North America, must so represent to the
Association in writing on an annual basis.
We understand acceptance of our application requires sponsorship by three current members of AWRF
by way of a written letter of recommendation, and that no qualified candidate will be denied membership
arbitrarily. If we are granted membership, we understand that all classes of members are extended
identical rights and privileges except that Retired Individual Members, Affiliate Members and Branch
Members do not have the right to vote nor can they hold a seat on the Board of Directors. A group of
members all owned, or affiliated under the same owning entity, can occupy only one seat at a time on the
Board of Directors, a policy intended to inhibit domination of the Board of Directors by any one company
or group.
Understanding all of the above statements, we have completed and signed this Form requesting
membership in the Associated Wire Rope Fabricators.
click to sign
click to edit
AWRF Membership Application Rev.8 (final) 9/2016 Page 5
The Board of Directors has sole discretion in determining the appropriate class of membership for all
companies. To assist the Board of Directors, please check the category below that most closely describes
your business.
Regular Member
This category includes Fabricators, Dealers, and Retailers whose primary customers are Consumers
or End-Users of the products or services used in our industry. Typically this member will have a
swaging machine and certified pull test equipment and be described as a “Rigging Shop”..
Manufacturing Member
This category includes Manufacturers and/or Fabricators whose primary customers are the
Fabricators, Dealers, and Retailers described as “Regular Member” above. A Manufacturing
Member must have a North American office, staffed by either direct employee or personnel under
contract to the company. The office must be established for a minimum of one year prior to
Membership approval.
Non-Manufacturing Member
This category includes any entity whose primary business is wholesale distribution (and not
manufacturing or fabrication) of the industry’s products, whose primary customer base is the retailer
or distributor of the industry’s products. A Non-Manufacturing Member must have a North American
office, staffed by either direct employee or personnel under contract to the company. The office must
be established for a minimum of one year prior to Membership approval.
Sponsor Member
This category includes any business entity whose primary business is wholesaling, retailing, or
otherwise dealing in the products of the industry, but not in any way manufacturing and/or fabricating
those products or any entity interested in the industry and not described in the three categories
above. A sponsor member must have a North American office staffed by either direct employees or
personnel under contract to the company. The office must be established for a minimum of one year
prior to Membership approval.
Affiliated Member
Any entity who is a division of, affiliated with or owned by a member in any of the above
categories. Affiliate Members do not have voting rights and individuals may not serve on the Board
of Directors. Affiliated Members are listed in the AWRF Directory. Please list the affiliated
company that is already a member.
Branch Member
Any entity who is a division of, affiliated with or owned by a member in any of the above categories,
generally with the same name as the head office. Branch Members do not have voting rights and
individuals may not serve on the Board of Directors. Branch Members are NOT listed in the AWRF
directory, but they receive all association mailings. Please list the parent of the company already a
Please provide us with a brief description below of the nature of the company business, markets served,
number of employees, etc. This information will be valuable in attaining formal approval by the Directors
on the membership application. You may include additional pages if required.
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AWRF Membership Applicant Sponsors
Name of applicant company:
To be elected as a member of the Associated Wire Rope Fabricators, it is necessary that three AWRF
member companies provide a written Letter of Recommendation to the Board of Directors of the
Associated Wire Rope Fabricators and act as sponsors for the applicant. The three existing members
may submit their letters to the address below or via e-mail. The Letters of Recommendation should
contain the reasons why the applicant would be a qualified candidate for membership.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to have their sponsors submit the letters of recommendation in a timely
manner. The application will not be acted upon until all three letters are received at the AWRF office.
Please enter the names of three sponsors who are existing members of AWRF, and who will be
submitting letters of recommendation (Not required for Affiliated Memberships, Branch Memberships, or
Retired Individual Members):
Submit this list with the completed application form, the application or administrative fee, dues (if
applicable), insurance verification and company literature to:
Associated Wire Rope Fabricators
P. O. Box 748
Walled Lake, MI 48390-0748