Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency
City of Bridgeport
45 Lyon Terrace, Rm 210
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Tel: (203) 576-7217 Fax: (203) 576-7213
Start Card and Finish Card Form
(Form D)
Use this page of this form to notify the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency
(IWWA) when your project is completed and you want to remove your erosion control
measures. You may not remove your erosion controls without the approval of the
Agency or its designated agent. Fill out the information below and submit it to the
IWWA office.
Applicant Name: ________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _____________________________________________________
IWWA Permit No.: _______________________________________________________
Project Site:
Regulated Activity:
The FINISH date of the above regulated activity for which I have been granted approval
by the IWWA is on:
Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________________________