Member Full Name: Medicaid #:
July 2021 Mental Health IOP_PHP: Initial Serv Auth
3. Describe evidence that providers have attempted interventions at lower levels of care or in alternative, community-
based rehabilitation services and the barriers to success in those efforts. What prevented these efforts in other
services from working for this individual? Explain why these efforts did not work for this person and what has
happened to the person’s symptoms and circumstances due to these challenges with other services. How will this
service be a better fit for the individual’s needs? Corresponding CNA Elements: 2, 3
Identify in the table below any identified past and current service providers and the corresponding information:
Provider & Service
Past or
Start / End Dates of
Available Info on Outcomes/Current Progress
4. The intention of MH-IOP and MH-PHP is to provide service options for both diversion and step-down from residential or
inpatient hospitalization
levels of care. Corresponding CNA Element: 11
One of the following two criteria must be met:
a. The individual is at risk for admission to inpatient hospitalization, residential treatment or residential crisis stabilization
(or in the case of MH-IOP, risk of admission to MH-PHP) as evidenced by acute intensification of symptoms, but the
individual has not exhibited evidence of immediate danger to self or others and does not require 24-hour treatment or
medical supervision.
b. The individual is stepping down from inpatient hospitalization, residential treatment or residential crisis stabilization (or
in the case of MH-IOP admission, the individual is stepping down from MH-PHP) and is no longer exhibiting evidence of
immediate danger to self or others and does not require 24-hour treatment or medical supervision.
Describe the evidence, including symptoms/behaviors that demonstrate that either of these two scenarios are
relevant for this individual. Corresponding CNA Elements: 1, 11