Revised 12-17-20 1
Honors Contract
Project Evaluation
Student Name: Student’s I.D. No.:
Student’s email address:
Instructor/Faculty Facilitator: Phone/Extension:
Email address:
Department/Course Number: Course Name:
Instructions for Faculty: Submit this completed form to the Director of the Honors Program, Honors Program
Office, BIC 3418, 630-942-3318, Deadline: When grades are due.
A copy of this form will be sent by the Honors Program to the student via email.
Evaluation of Honors Project: (To be filled out and signed by faculty member.) Please check one.
In order for the course to be converted to an Honors credit course on the transcript, the final project must earn a
B or better per the instructor. This project was not part of the course grade; it is only used to determine Honors
worthiness for the individual student in this course.
I have evaluated the final product, and it was:
completed and exceeded expectations. This course will be noted as Honors on the student’s transcript.
completed and met expectations. This course will be noted as Honors on the student’s transcript.
not completed satisfactorily. The course will not be noted as Honors.
not completed. The course will not be noted as Honors.
Comments for the student (optional):
Instructor/Faculty Facilitator: Date:
For Honors Program office use only. Date Received: Initials: