Continuing Education
Waiver of Liability
I am the parent/guardian of the above named student who is under 18 years of age. I am familiar with the curriculum and the
activities which take place in the Youth Academy online courses and hereby give consent for the student to participate in the Youth
Academy online courses and assume all risks and hazards incidental to the Youth Academy online courses. I am responsible for the
supervision of the student during his/her participation in the Youth Academy online courses.
I authorize College of DuPage to communicate with this student at the email address listed above and confirm that a parent or
guardian will monitor the student’s use of email and the internet for appropriate behavior as defined in the Student Online Behavior
Agreement section of this document. Additionally, I authorize this email address to be used in communication between students
within the class for group projects or other Youth Academy online course-related communication needs.
I authorize this student to participate in live streaming video and audio communication with College of DuPage employees and other
students registered in Youth Academy online courses.
I authorize this student to use external websites and third-party vendor platforms as they pertain to Youth Academy online courses.
I agree College of DuPage is not liable for information that is retrieved or transmitted via the internet or third-party vendor platforms,
or any unauthorized charges resulting from a student’s use of the internet.
I understand that College of DuPage Youth Academy employees are mandated reporters and as such, any child abuse or neglect
suspected as a result of live video streaming from the student’s home or other communication related to the student’s participation in
Youth Academy online courses will be immediately reported.
I hereby release, waive, covenant not to sue, indemnify and hold harmless the College of DuPage from any and
all liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage,
injury, illness, attorney’s fees or harm of any kind or nature to me arising out of student’s participation in the Youth
Academy online courses. This release extends to any claim made by parents or guardians or their assigns arising
from or in any way connected with the aforementioned activities.
The College of DuPage is committed to protecting minors participating in the College courses. if you, as a parent/guardian, have
concerns about any misconduct, please contact the College’s Continuing Education Office at 630 942-2208.
I acknowledge that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and I have read this document in its entirety and fully understand the
terms of this Waiver.
*Please note, some Youth Academy online courses may require access to Google Suite applications. For these courses, students will be
given a google account within the College's Google Apps For Education domain. Username and login information will be sent to the
student's email address listed above prior to the start of the course.
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Student Online Behavior Agreement
Each student participating in an online Youth Academy course is required to adhere to the statements below in order to ensure safety
and allow the programs to operate at their highest quality.
1. Students agree to communicate with other students and College of DuPage employees appropriately and only regarding
youth academy c
ourse material.
a. Students will not create or share inappropriate content with anyone involved in the Youth Academy online
program, including but not limited to inappropriate or violent language and images, or cyberbullying of any kind.
If a student sees any content that is alarming, unsafe or inappropriate, they will immediately report it to their
parent/guardian and a College of DuPage employee.
b. Students will only email other students in the class as it pertains to course material (for example: group/partner
projects) and must copy the instructor on any emails to and from other students within the Youth Academy online
c. Students will not seek to contact College of DuPage employees via social media or other personal accounts.
d. Students will maintain honesty and integrity when submitting work and will not intentionally use someone else’s
work without giving credit to the source, nor will they misrepresent someone else’s work as their own.
2. Students agree not to communicate one-on-one with their instructor.
a. One-on-one communication is not permitted between a child and College of DuPage employee. All emails
between students and employees must have Youth Academy ( copied. The Youth
Academy email account is monitored by multiple Youth Academy staff members.
b. A parent or guardian must be in the same room as their student during any live streaming video chat that would
be one-on-one between an instructor and student (for example: office hour communication, individual tutoring
session, etc.).
3. Students agree that they will not take or transmit pictures, videos or audio recordings of another student participating in
the Youth Academy online course, including taking screenshots of live streaming video communication, without consent.
Furthermore, students agree not to record or share screenshots of course content, including lesson material and any
contributions from other students.
Violations of this agreement are subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to verbal warning, communication with a
student’s parent or guardian and removal from the Youth Academy program without refund.
By signing below, I confirm understanding and agreement of all above statements regarding my online behavior.
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