Taft College
Form to Establish the Need for a Substantive Change Review
This document shall serve as "Step One" in establishing the need for a substantive change
review at Taft College by formally communicating to the Commission's substantive change staff
the following information: (1) a description of the proposed change; (2) the need for the
change, and (3) the anticipated effects of the change.
Title of the Proposed Change
Description of the Proposed Change
Need for the Proposed Change
Anticipated Effects of the Change
Addition of New Sport: Men and Women's Golf
Taft College will begin offering men's golf in spring 2017 and women's golf in fall 2017. Classes will be
taught at Buena Vista Golf Course, an offsite location from campus.
Golf will provide additional opportunities for our students and support a viable athletic program with eight
sports teams.
It is anticipated that 8-10 men and 8-10 women will participate in golf per year. These students will also
be enrolled full-time, and participate in SSSP.