Form 2: Application for project information memorandum
and/or building consent
Section 33 or 45, Building Act 2004
1. THE BUILDING [Complete all applicable sections]
2. APPLICATION [Nominate as applicable]
Street addr
ess of building: ………………………………………………………….…..……………….……..….…...........................................................…
[If no
street address – details of nearest intersection] ………………………….……………….……………………….……….............................................................…
Legal description of land where building is located: Lot ………………………. DP………………...………….
Site area ……………… (m
) Sec ………………………. Block……………...…………
Building name: ……….…………………….……… Valuation Number ………………………….……………….
of building within site/block number: [Include nearest street access] …………………………….……………..........................................................…
Number of levels: [Above & below ground] ………………..………..….. Level /Unit Number: …………..……………
Year First Constructed:....................... Floor area: …………………..…..… (m
) [Indicate area affected by the building work]
Current, lawfully established, use as defined in the building code clause A1 Classified uses
[Add no. of occupants per level and per use if more than 1]
Year first constructed: [Approximate date is acceptable e. g.: c1920s or 1960-1970] ……………………………………
I request that you issue a: (for the building work described in this application)
Project Information Memora dum (PIM)
Project Information Memorandum (PIM) and Building Consent (BC)
Building Consent The existing PIM No [If applicable] is: …..………..……………….
Amendment to an existing Building Consent. The existing BC No is: ………………….……..…
Staging of building work – Being stage ……….. of ……….. stages
State the reference number if this application involves a National Multiple Use Approval: ……………………………………….…………
Name: …………………….………………….……Signature: …………….….…………………………Date: ………….…..……
The signature is that of the Owner OR the Agent on behalf of and with the approval of the Owner
DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING WORK: (Provide sufficient information below to enable scope of work to be fully understood)
Current use of building (as defined by Change the Use Regulations).....................................................................................................
Will the building work result in a change of use of the building? Yes No. If Yes, provide details of the new use of the building:
ed life of the building if less than 50 years: ……………… [Years]
List Building Consents previously issued for this project (if any): …………………………………………………………………………………………………...…
d value of the building work on which the building levy will be calculated (including goods and services tax):
............................................................ [State estimated value as defined in section 7 of the Building Act 2004]
FORM 2 Rev. 10
Updated 26/11/2019
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