EO.APP Page 3 of 3 7-03
Please check your requested limits, deductible, prior acts date, and
effective date:
100/100 250/250 500/500 1/1 other _______
Deductibles: $5000________ $10,000_______ other________
Prior Acts date:
Effective date:
If you are r
equesting prior acts coverage, you must currently have coverage in place matching this
requested date. Please provide a copy of your current E&O Insurance Declarations page.
Does your firm maintain General Liability Insurance? Yes
Is the applicant or anyone for whom this insurance will apply awar
e of any:
Professional Liability claim made against them in the past 5 years? Yes
Fact, circumstance, situation, act or omission which might reasonably be expec
ted to be
the basi
s of a claim or suit ag
ainst them?
If “
Yes,” to any of 16 (a) or (b) please complete the Supplemental Claim Form.
The undersigned declares that to the best of his/her knowledge and belief the statements set forth herein are true. The undersigned further declares
that any occurrence or event taking place prior to the effective date to the insurance applied for which may render inaccurate, untrue or incomplete any
statement made will immediately be reported in writing to the Insurer and the Insurer may withdraw or modify any outstanding quotations and/or
authorization or agreement to bind the insurance. The Insurer is hereby authorized, but not required, to make any investigation and inquiry in
connection with the information, statements and disclosures provided in this Application. The decision of the Insurer not to make or to limit any
investigation or inquiry shall not be deemed a waiver of any rights by the Insurer and shall not stop the Insurer from relying on any statement in this
Application. The signing of this application does not bind the undersigned to purchase the insurance, nor does the review of this Application bind the
insurance company to issue a policy. It is understood the Insurer is relying on this Application in the event the Policy is issued. It is agreed that this
Application shall be the basis of the contract should a policy be issued and it will be attached and become a part of the policy.
* Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for
e or statement of claim containing any materially false information, or conceals for the purpose of misleading
on concerning any fact material thereto, may be committing a fraudulent insurance act, and may be subject to
civil penalty or fine.
* not applicable in all states
Signature of the applicant of
Must be signed by a Principal Partner or Officer of the Firm
click to sign
click to edit