Date Received Permit #
Project Address: Alt. Key #
Property Owner: Contact #
Owner’s Address: City; State:
Zip: Email Address: _
Fence: (Material shall be a standard material conventionally used by the fence industry)
Vinyl Wood Chain Link Wrought Iron Metal
Fence Height Max: Front Rear Side Street Side
Fence Length and Location:
Pavers/Slab: Location and Total Square Footage:
New lot impervious area calculated sq. ft.
Submittal Requirements: One copy of a dimensioned site plan/survey that contains the following: All
existing structures; setbacks; proposed location of fence/pavers. By signing this application the homeowner/
contractor understands that in addition to Groveland’s regulations, there may be private restrictions or
approval requirements that will affect your ability to erect the fence or add pavers on your lot. If your home is
in a Homeowner's Association, you must provide an HOA approval. If the placement of the fence/pavers
is in any existing easements, including but not limited to drainage, utility, ingress and egress easements, you
must sign an Easement Waiver.
Homeowner/Contractor Name (print)
Signature Contractor Lic. #
Contractor's Address if applicable:
Fence/Paver Applications may be submitted in person at City of Groveland, 156 S. Lake Avenue,
Groveland, FL or by email to
City of Groveland, Building Services Dept., 156 S. Lake Ave., Groveland, FL 34736
Phone (352)-429-2141 Email:
click to sign
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