Complete this page ONLY if option#5 was selected under the Basis for Fee Waiver section.
INCOME VERIFICATION FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS: (Required for students who do not qualify based on a special category.)
Household income is determined by adding all household income from all sources and then comparing it to the number of people in the household. A
household is a group of related or unrelated individuals who are not residents of an institution or boarding house but who are living as one economic unit.
This means they generally reside in the same house and share expenses such as rent, utilities and food.
List all income before deductions in the appropriate column(s).
Last First Middle Initial
Name: Earnings from Work
(before deductions)
Monthly Income
Social Security
Monthly Income
Welfare, Alimony, Child
Support, Other Income
Monthly Income
Total Per Person
Total Monthly Income
Earnings from Work Pension/Retirement, Social Security
Welfare, Alimony, Child
Other Income
Wages, salaries and tips, Pensions, supplement, security *TANF payments*, welfare Disability benets; cash withdrawn from
strike benets, income, retirement payments, payments, savings; interest & dividends; income
unemployment comp., Social Security Income (including alimony, and child support from estates, trusts, and investments,
workers’ comp, net SSI a child receives) payments regular contributions from persons not
income from self-owned living in the household; net royalties and
business or farm annuities; net rental income; any other
*Receipt of TANF assistance automatically qualies one for fee waiver eligibility. No further proof of income is
needed. Please review Basis for Fee Waiver section and submit application under TANF eligibility.*
For School Year:
July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
Household Size Yearly Monthly Twice Per Month Every Two Weeks Weekly
1 16,588 1,383 692 638 319
2 22,412 1,868 934 862 431
3 28,236 2,353 1,177 1,086 543
4 34,060 2,839 1,420 1,310 655
5 39,884 3,324 1,662 1,534 767
6 45,708 3,809 1,905 1,758 879
7 51,532 4,295 2,148 1,982 991
8 57,356 4,780 2,390 2,206 1,103
For each additional
family member, add:
5,824 486 243 224 112
Page 2 Created by USBE School Fees Team Revised 3/25/2020