Employee's Name (please print): Date of Birth:
Reason for Absence/Modifications:
Treatment Plan (including medications):
Summarize Response to Treatment:
Barriers for Return to Work:
Complete Recovery Expected? Yes
Estimated Return to Work Date (if currently absent):
Fit (full hours & duties)
Unfit Fit with Precautions
Modified Hours (please specify):
Current Functional Limitations:
Estimated Duration of Limitations: Permanent
Walk Continuously Limit to Minutes Hours
Stand Continuously Limit to Minutes Hours
Sit Continuously Limit to Minutes Hours
Grip Pinch Limit to
Push/Pull Limit to Kg
Bend/Twist (of: ) Frequency
Climb: Ladder Stairs Limit to
Restricted Use of Limbs? Specify:
Attention to Detail/Concentration
Need to work co-operatively with others
Adaptation/Ability to Accommodate Change
Performance of Multiple Tasks
Ability to Work to Deadlines
Exposure to Environmental Stimuli/Distraction
Operation of Motorized Equipment
(Treating Practitioner's Name - Please Print) (Signature) (Date)
Rehabilitation Services will reimburse the treating practitioner for full completion of this form.
Western University • Support Services Building Room 4159 • London • ON • N6A 3K7 • 519-661-2111 • Fax 519-661-2079 · E-mail: rehab@uwo.ca
PART II - May be copied to individuals who are assisting with accommodation process
PART I - Information will not be released by Rehabilitation Services without signed authorization
Rehabilitation Required? Yes
Is the claim being submitted to the
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board?
Date of Next Medical Review:
Lift/Carry: Floor to Waist