Full-Time Faculty Position Request Form 2019 - 2020
Full-Time Faculty Request Form 2019-20: FHPC Revisions May 3, 2012, Sept. 18, 2012, April 30,
2013, December 4, 2015, March 21, 2018; Presented to Academic Senate-January 27, 2016, April 11, 2018
This form is used by departments and programs to request new or unfilled faculty positions relying on
Program Review and/or other justifications. Submit one form for each position requested. For multiple
positions, indicate priority of request (e.g., Subject Position 1, Subject Position 2, etc.). Forms are due
to Division Deans by September 15, 2018.
Position Requested:
Contact Person:
Discipline/Division: Starting Term: Fall Spring
This form requires the use Enrollment Management Tool data, which can be found at the following link:
http://www.laspositascollege.edu/researchandplanning/FacultyPrioritization.php (If you have any questions
about the data, please contact Rajinder Samra 925-424-1027 or rsamra@laspositascollege.edu) or your Dean.
The data will be verified by the Dean. Do not attach data spreadsheets.
Check if position is a: Replacement or New
If replacement: What is the position code? (see Dean)
Name of the person being replaced:
Length of time position(s) unfilled:
1. Number of Full-Time Faculty currently in Discipline:
If requesting more than one position, add 1 to this number for each subsequent position requested.
2. Percentage of FTEF taught by full-time faculty as load for the past six semesters, and projected for
one year assuming a successful hire. (Use data from link above. If requesting more than one
position, see Rajinder Samra to determine the projected numbers.)
Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Fall 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2018 Fall 2019 Spring 2020
3. a. For Instructional Faculty: WSCH per FTEF for the past six semesters (use data from link above):
Fall 2015
Spring 2016 Fall 2016
Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2018
Full-Time Faculty Position Request Form 2019 - 2020
Full-Time Faculty Request Form 2019-20: FHPC Revisions May 3, 2012, Sept. 18, 2012, April 30,
2013, December 4, 2015, March 21, 2018; Presented to Academic Senate-January 27, 2016, April 11, 2018
b. For non-instructional faculty (librarians and counselors): Student/Faculty ratio for the past six
semesters, and projected for one year assuming a successful hire. Divide headcount by number of
full-time faculty. For example: 8000 students divided by 3 full-time faculty.
(If requesting more than one position, see Rajinder Samra to determine the projected numbers).
Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Fall 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2018 Fall 2019 Spring 2020
4. Program Characteristics:
a. List the courses taught and/or work performed in the discipline.
(Be brief and specific. Use your Program Review to complete this section.)
b. Total number of primary sections as identified in data taught in the discipline in each of the last
six semesters (use data link from page1):
Fall 2015
Spring 2016 Fall 2016
Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2018
Full-Time Faculty Position Request Form 2019 - 2020
Full-Time Faculty Request Form 2019-20: FHPC Revisions May 3, 2012, Sept. 18, 2012, April 30,
2013, December 4, 2015, March 21, 2018; Presented to Academic Senate-January 27, 2016, April 11, 2018
c. Student enrollments (FTES) in the classes taught (use data link from page 1)or number of students
served in each of the last six semesters:
Fall 2015
Spring 2016 Fall 2016
Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2018
d. List special characteristics of the discipline such as: (Be brief and specific. Use your
Program Review to complete this section.)
 Mandated class size limits due to state, contract, and accreditation standards.
 Facilities
 Number of courses out of the total number of courses in the discipline that meet
General Education Requirements
 Number of courses out of the total number of courses offered that are required as
part of an AA/AS degree, certificate or transfer
 Discipline provides basic skills courses
 Discipline provides mandated and specialized services to students
 Other
Full-Time Faculty Position Request Form 2019 - 2020
Full-Time Faculty Request Form 2019-20: FHPC Revisions May 3, 2012, Sept. 18, 2012, April 30,
2013, December 4, 2015, March 21, 2018; Presented to Academic Senate-January 27, 2016, April 11, 2018
5. Describe how courses and/or services in this discipline impact other disciplines and programs.
(Be brief and specific. Use your Program Review to complete this section.)
Full-Time Faculty Position Request Form 2019 - 2020
Full-Time Faculty Request Form 2019-20: FHPC Revisions May 3, 2012, Sept. 18, 2012, April 30,
2013, December 4, 2015, March 21, 2018; Presented to Academic Senate-January 27, 2016, April 11, 2018
6. If this is the first full-time position in the discipline, discuss: (Be brief and specific. Use your
Program Review to complete this section.)
b. Justification for the position.
c. Projected start-up costs for equipment, facilities, and support staff for the first three years.
d. Projected enrollment growth for the next three years, starting with the first semester of the
projected faculty hire.
7. What are the impacts on students, the discipline and the college of NOT filling this faculty
position? What are the programs/courses/services that have not been or cannot be offered due to
the vacancy? (Be brief and specific. Use your Program Review to complete this section.)
Full-Time Faculty Position Request Form 2019 - 2020
Full-Time Faculty Request Form 2019-20: FHPC Revisions May 3, 2012, Sept. 18, 2012, April 30,
2013, December 4, 2015; March 21, 2018, Presented to Academic Senate-January 27, 2016, April 11, 2018
8. Any additional information that addresses justification of the position. If multiple positions are
being requested, this is an opportunity to differentiate the justifications for additional positions.
Requestor Dean Vice President