Consult the RAC Web Site for Deadlines for IERs
IE Definition
Allowable Items: Instructional equipment expenditures are eligible if the equipment, library material, or technology is for
classroom instruction, student instruction or demonstration, or in the preparation of learning materials in an instructional program.
There are five categories that will be used to classify instructional support. The following are examples but the list is not limited to
what is shown.
1. Equipment and Furniture: instructional equipment and furniture for primary use by students in instructional programs:
a. Classroom/Laboratory equipment, including whiteboard, screen, projector, etc.
b. Instructional furniture, including desks, tables, podium, chairs, etc.
2. Information Technology: instructional information technology equipment for student use in classrooms and/or laboratories,
including desktops, laptops, monitors, printers, servers, network/wireless infrastructure, AV/TV, multimedia.
3. Software: software licenses are allowed but only the initial year is permitted. Other software that are permitted are those that
are used in excess of one year and software modifications that add capacity or efficiency to the software that defers
obsolescence and results in an extension of the useful life of the software, including registration, counseling, student services,
learning management systems for student use.
4. Adaptive Equipment: adaptive equipment for ADA/OCR students are allowed to assist them in a learning environment.
5. Library Material: databases, on-line subscriptions, books, periodicals, videos, etc.
Non-Allowable Items: Administrative or Non-Instructional Purposes including equipment being used for administrative or non-
instructional purposes is not allowed including photocopiers, file cabinets, bookcases, computers, networking infrastructure,
software licenses.
IE Checklist Completed
Section 1: Summary Information __________ Section 7: Total Cost of Ownership __________
Section 2: Equipment Description __________ Part A: Initial Start-up Costs __________
Section 3: Mission & Priorities __________ Part B: On-Going Annual Operating Costs __________
Section 4: Educational Items __________ Part C: Incremental Labor Costs __________
Section 5: Teaching and Learning __________ Quotation Attached, includes: __________
Section 6: Outcomes __________ ☐ Tax (9.5%) __________
Section 7: Cost of Ownership __________ ☐ Shipping __________
Section 6: Outcomes __________ ☐ Installation __________
Requisition Attached (signed by Dean and VP)
IE Rubric
RAC will
evaluate each IE
request based on
the IE rubric.
RAC stresses the
importance of
quality requests.
RAC may choose
not to rank
incomplete IE