Faculty Professional Development Plan
General Info
As stated in the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Flexible Calendar Program by the Faculty
Development Committee of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges in cooperation with
the Chancellor’s Office, “[e]ach faculty member is responsible for the development of an individual plan
for professional and/or personal growth for the purpose of instructional improvement (title 5, section
55726(a)). This individual plan may encompass any combination of individually designed activities,
institutionally planned workshops, conferences, and/or academic courses. These activities must be
appropriate within the regulations that govern the flexible calendar program (title 5, section 55724 (a)
(4) (A through G))” (p. 21).
Professional Development Objectives:
1. Please list your professional development objectives for this year.
2. Please
explain how your professional development objectives will lead to faculty/instructional,
student, and/or institutional improvement.
Professional Development Activities:
3. Which of the following activities do you anticipate completing as part of your Professional
Development Plan for this academic year? Please select all those that apply:
Version Aug 2019
Category 1: Faculty/Instructional Improvement
Activities that enhance knowledge in discipline/subject matter and/or improve pedagogical practices,
such as:
Attending on-campus workshops/trainings/orientations to improve instruction such as Informed
& Inspired, brown bags, New Faculty Learning Academy (NFLA)
Attending conferences, workshops, or trainings related to your discipline and/or teaching
Reading discipline-related books intended to enhance knowledge in your subject area
Listening to podcasts, TED Talks, etc. related to your discipline and/or teaching methodology
Completing webinars or other online training relevant to your discipline and/or teaching
Completing online learning modules relevant to your discipline and/or teaching methodology
such as Lynda.com, MOOCs, @ONE
Evaluating materials to consider for use in major course revision
Participating in a teaching-focused book club
Reading professional books on teaching methodology
Learning a second language to better communicate with a diverse student population
Preparing exhibitions of art, science, or other materials beyond the scope of your typical day-to-
day instruction
Training to teach online, re-training for a new course management system
Attending literary readings, debates, sporting events, or lectures relevant to your discipline
Attending/viewing gallery or museum exhibits, films, or plays relevant to your discipline
Mentoring new or prospective faculty, or being mentored yourself
Writing and publishing scholarly material (unpaid)
Conducting field research (unpaid)
Category 2: Student Improvement
Activities that support student success, such as:
aluating scholarship applications
Collaborating with faculty and staff on projects to improve services to students
Serving as student club advisor
Attending workshops on mentoring students
Serving as a student mentor
Participating in New Student Welcome Day
Participating in student orientation programs (instructional faculty only)
Facilitating or attending student campus events/activities (Black History Month, Fine Arts
Open House, etc.)
Facilitating or attending student off-campus events/activities (field trips, student
conferences, competitions)
Conducting workshops for students (non-duty hours)
Serving at on-campus information table (Career Day, etc.)
Visiting/recruiting at area high schools or in the community
Writing grants aimed to improve services to students
Category 3: Institutional Improvement
Activities that foster program, departmental, and/or institutional effectiveness, such as:
Participating in the ECC PRIDE Leadership Academy
Serving on College Curriculum Committee (voting reps)
Serving as Division SLO Facilitator
Serving as Annual Program Plan Review Leader
Serving as Program Review Chair Person
Attending SLO workshops/training
Participating in SLO, PLO, and/or ILO post-assessment meetings to address institutional
Participating in meetings to address areas of curriculum or program review
Developing new programs, courses, or curriculum
Modifying an existing course to comply with changing institutional or discipline requirements
Completing course conversion (face-to-face to online)
Creating a website to support a course or program
Conducting institutional research to improve service to students
Making presentations related to your discipline/ program or the college to community groups
Conducting community outreach such as judging school competitions, college information
booths, collaboration with other colleges on curriculum and instruction, etc.
Training in disaster preparedness, such as CERT, active shooter, mental health first aid, etc.
Participating in training on affirmative action, implicit bias, cultural sensitivity, or equity issues
Training in issues related to harassment, gender, or other mandated programs (i.e. EEOR,
FERPA, etc.)
Category 4: Other
ating in campus-sponsored wellness activities.
4. Please describe any other professional development activities that you anticipate completing as
part of your professional development plan for this year. Keep in mind that these activities
should be well-planned, professionally appropriate, described in detail, and align with the ECC
Flex Categories and Activities List. You will need to complete an External Training Form on
Cornerstone which will be reviewed by your dean.