Please complete this form, SAVE AS a new document, print, sign, and bring it to your audition
Name _____________________________________ ECC Student ID# _______________________
Email ____________________________________ Message Phone ____________________________
Address ____________________________________________City/Zip __________________________
I will be taking the following music classes this semester in the Music Major Education Plan (check all that apply)
Music Fundamentals: 101 Music Theory I 103A Theory II 103B Theory III 203
Music History:
215A 215B
Concert Choir 152
Performance Ensemble: Vocal: Mixed C
hoir 151 Chorale 253 Vocal Jazz 258
Instrumental: Studio Jazz Band 266 Concert Jazz Band 267 Guitar Ensemble 269
Concert Band 265
Symphony Orchestra 268
I am a candidate for the AA and/or AA-T in Music, with the intention of transferring a four-year institution.
Campus __________
_________________ Semester _______________ Year ________
I plan to transfer to a 4-year college/university or conservatory within the next 2 years as a music major.
(name of institution if known)
My primary performance instrument/voice is:___________________________________
with an emphasis in: (check one) Classical
Jazz Broadway
I attended ___________________________________________________ High School
Describe your music performance experience.
Describe your educational background in music.
Describe your educational goals after ECC.
Describe you
r professional goals.
If I am acc
epted into the Applied Music Program at ECC, I will commit to the following responsibilities:
Enroll in the appropriate section of Music 190, Applied Music
Practice a minimum of 3 hours per week in the ECC Music Department practice rooms
Enroll in an appropriate Performance Ensemble
Enroll in courses in the Music Major Educational Plan co-requisites
Attend each scheduled lesson and continue to improve as a musician in my area of study
Signed: ___________
____________________________________ Date: _____________________
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