APPENDIX A // Note to Submitter
If your submission relates to a notice of requirement for a designation or an alteration to a designation, and you are a
trade competitor of the requiring authority, you may make a submission only if you are directly aected by an eect of
the activity to which the requirement relates that—
(a) adversely aects the environment; and
(b) does not relate to trade competition or the eects of trade competition.
You must serve a copy of your submission on the person who gave the notice of requirement as soon as reasonably
practicable after you have served your submission on the territorial authority (unless the territorial authority itself gave
the notice of requirement).
Please note that your submission (or part of your submission) may be struck out if the authority is satised that at
least 1 of the following applies to the submission (or part of the submission):
• it is frivolous or vexatious:
• it discloses no reasonable or relevant case:
• it would be an abuse of the hearing process to allow the submission (or the part) to be taken further:
• it contains oensive language:
it is supported only by material that purports to be independent expert evidence, but has been prepared by a person
who is not independent or who does not have sucient specialised knowledge or skill to give expert advice on the
Queenstown Lakes District Council
Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348
Gorge Road, Queenstown 9300
P: 03 441 0499
Page 3/3 // October 2017