Please provide below any additional information that is required under the
relevant provisions of the District Plan, Local Government Act 1974, Resource
Management Act 1991 or any regulation.
The initial deposit fee (refer to ‘Resource Consent and Engineering Fees and Other Charges’ for Signing and Sealing
Certications below (relevant category is: Signing and Sealing other plan or certicate)
Attachments: I attach (tick as appropriate)
Please remember to sign the certication if applicable and have the payment section signed by the party
responsible for payment.
Please note your application will not be accepted until all of the required information has been supplied to
Queenstown Lakes District Council.
Reasons for the cancellation - see website for more details:
Copies of the Easement Instruments and Title Plans that created the original easements
Description of the easements being cancelled in respect of the benetted and burdened lots
A draft s243e certicate for checking (template available on website)
Other (please specify)
The information you have provided on this form is required so that your application can be processed under the Local
Government Act 1974 and may also be used in statistics collected by QLDC and provided to the Ministry for the
Environment. The information will be stored on a public register and may be made available to the public on request or on
the company’s or the Council’s websites.
An initial fee for processing this application will be charged at the time of lodgement in accordance with QLDC’s fee
schedule. This initial fee must accompany your application for processing to commence. If the initial fee is insucient to
cover the actual and reasonable costs of work undertaken on the application you will be required to pay any additional
amount and will be invoiced monthly as work on the application continues.
Invoiced sums are payable by the 20th of the month after the work was undertaken. If unpaid, the processing of an
application, provision of a service, or performance of a function will be suspended until the sum is paid. You may also be
required to make an additional payment, or bring the account up to date, prior to milestones such as notication, setting
a hearing date or releasing the decision. In particular, all charges related to processing of a resource consent application
are payable prior to issuing of the decision. Payment is due on the 20th of the month or prior to the issue date –
whichever is earlier.
LIABILITY FOR PAYMENT - Please note that by signing and lodging this application form you are acknowledging that
the Applicant is responsible for payment of invoices and in addition will be liable to pay all costs and expenses of debt
recovery and/or legal costs incurred by QLDC related to the enforcement of any debt.
We prefer to receive applications electronically
Please ensure documents are scanned at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi
Each document should be no greater than 10mb
Queenstown Lakes District Council
Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348
Gorge Road, Queenstown 9300
P: 03 441 0499
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