This material is derived from SAE 9102 which is copyrighted intellectual property of SAE International. SAE is not responsible for outcomes resulting from use of this material.
Sheet ___ of ___
1. Part Number:
2. Part Name:
3. Serial Number: 4. FAIR Number:
5. Part Revision Level: 6. Drawing Number:
7. Drawing Revision Level:
8. Additional Changes:
Manufacturing Process
10. Organiz
tion Name:
11. Supplier Code: 12. P.O. Number:
Detail Part:
Assembly FAI:
Full FAI:
Partial FAI:
Baseline Part Number (including revision level):
Reason for Partial FAI:
a) If above part number is a detail part only, go to field 19.
b) If above part number is an assembly, go to the "INDEX" section below.
INDEX of part numbers or sub-assembly numbers required to make the assembly noted abov
15. Part Number:
16. Part Name:
17. Part Serial Number:
18. FAIR Number:
19. Signature:
FAI Complete
I Not Complete
20. Date:
21. Reviewed By: 22. Date:
23. Customer Approval: 24. Date:
9102 Form 1: February 2015
This form is used to identify the product that is having the First Article Inspection (FAI) conducted on (e.g., detail part, sub-
assembly, assembly); referred to as “FAI part”.
NOTE: Data fields 1 thru 4 are repeated on all forms for convenience and traceability. Any subsequent changes to “data
fields” 1 thru 4 need to be made to all pages.
1. (R)
Part Number
Number of
[e.g., customer part number contained on the purchasing documents; part
number from the associated Bill of Materials (BOM); manufacturer part number for internal parts, when customer
part number is not available].
2. (R) Part Name:
Name of the FAI part.
3. (CR) Serial Number: Serial number of the FAI part; unique identifier assigned to a detail part, sub-assembly, or
assembly by the organization or customer.
4. (CR) FAIR Number: Reference number that identifies the First Article Inspection Report (FAIR); this may be an internal
report number.
5. (CR) Part Revision Level: Latest revision that affects the FAI part being inspected. If the part has not been revised,
indicate as such (e.g., N/C, No Change).
NOTE: The latest drawing or DPD revision (see field 7) does not always affect all parts contained on a drawing
or DPD.
6. (CR) Drawing Number: Drawing number or DPD data set associated with the FAI part; drawing may be from customer,
internal system, or design definition.
7. (CR) Drawing Revision Level: The revision level of the drawing or DPD data set associated with the FAI part. If the
drawing has not been revised, indicate as such (e.g., N/C, No Change).
8. (CR) Additional Changes: Provide reference numbers of any changes that are incorporated in the product, but not
reflected in referenced drawing/part revision level (e.g., change in design, engineering changes, manufacturing
changes, deviation or exclusion from certain drawing or DPD requirements).
9. (R) Manufacturing Process Reference: Reference number that provides traceability to the manufacturing record of
the FAI part (e.g., router number, manufacturing plan number). Additional information such as lot number, batch
number, date code, or line number may be included, as needed, to provide traceability to the specific
manufacturing lot.
10. (R) Organization Name: Name of the organization performing the FAI.
11. (O) Supplier Code: A unique number given by customer to the organization; sometimes referred to as Vendor Code,
Vendor Identification Number, or Supplier Number.
12. (O) P.O. Number: Customer purchase order number, if applicable.
13. (R) Detail Part / Assembly FAI: Check, as appropriate.
14. (R) Full FAI / Partial FAI: Check, as appropriate.
For a partial FAI, provide the previous part number, including revision level to which this partial FAI is performed
and the reason for the current FAI (e.g., changes in design, process, or manufacturing location). For partial FAIs
based on similar parts (reference 9102, 4.6), provide the approved configuration FAI part number, including
revision level.
This material is derived from SAE 9102 which is copyrighted intellectual property of SAE International. SAE is not responsible for outcomes resulting from use of this material.
9102 Form 1: February 2015
Baseline Part Number: For a partial FAI, provide the previous FAI part number or approved configuration
(including revision level) to which this partial FAI is performed. State the reason for the current FAI (e.g., changes
in design, process, or manufacturing location). For a partial FAI based on similar parts (reference 9102, 4.6),
provide the approved configuration FAI part number, including revision level.
Data Fields 15, 16, 17, and 18: This section is required only if the part number identified in field 1 is an assembly requiring
lower level parts (i.e., detail parts) to be installed.
15. (CR) Part Number: Part number included in the assembly and items from the BOM included in the drawing, DPD, or
next level assembly. Typically these are the part numbers, standard catalogue items, or sub-assembly numbers
required to complete the product noted in field 1.
16. (CR) Part Name: Name of the part installed in the assembly.
17. (CR) Part Serial Number: Serial number of the part that is installed in the assembly.
18. (CR) FAIR Number: Report number for the detail parts and associated assemblies.
19. (R) Signature: Printed name or unique identification, and signature of the person approving the FAIR. This signature
certifies the evaluation activities in 9102, 4.5 are complete and the FAIR is approved.
NOTE: Electronic identification or signature are both acceptable.
Check “FAI Complete”, if all characteristics are conforming. Check “FAI Not Complete”, if nonconforming
characteristics are documented in accordance with 9102, 4.4.
20. (R) Date: Date when field 19 was signed.
21. (O) Reviewed By: Printed name or unique identification, and signature of the person from the organization who
approved the FAIR.
NOTE: Electronic identification or signature are both acceptable.
22. (O) Date: Date when field 21 was signed.
23. (O) Customer Approval: Used by customer to record approval, if required.
24. (O) Date: Date when field 23 was signed.
9102 Form 1: February 2015
This material is derived from SAE 9102 which is copyrighted intellectual property of SAE International. SAE is not responsible for outcomes resulting from use of this material.