Chapter 1: Leadership Lesson 3: Using Feedback with Learners
Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader 1
Exercise #3 – Feedback Scenarios
Directions: Develop effective feedback for your assigned scenario.
1. It’s a week before the Christmas holiday and you notice that the JROTC supply cabinet
is suspiciously low on various supplies. Cadet Smith is the S4 in charge of the supply
room and the only one - other than you - with a key. You are the executive officer.
2. Tama misses a critical foul shot and his intramural basketball team loses the game by
one point. You are the captain of the team and an expert at foul shooting.
3. Tina forgets her lines during the opening night’s performance of the school play. She
feels incredibly embarrassed. You are the drama coach.
4. The first chair tuba player has a solo at the school’s spring concert. He misses hitting
the high note that he’s worked so hard to hit consistently. You are the band director.
5. Your social studies teacher has assigned group presentations about World War II. One
member of your team forgets to bring his files to class on the day your team is
presenting. He tries to do his part in the presentation but forgets to provide much of the
critical information he was responsible for presenting to the class. What do you say to
Chapter 1: Leadership Lesson 3: Using Feedback with Learners
2 Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader
6. You and a partner must complete a required chemistry lab for an important grade. Your
partner misreads the directions, makes a mistake in measuring the chemicals for the
experiment, sets the Bunsen burner at too low a temperature, and the lab does not
produce the correct results. Both of you receive a failing grade for that lab assignment.
What do you say to your lab partner?
7. A JROTC team has a service project building a trail through the back property of your
school. The team has committed to work on the project every Saturday morning until it is
complete. One member of the team is habitually late and often leaves early. You are the
team leader.