Assessment Center
De Anza College Assessment Center 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 Room: RSS144|(408) 864-8717 |
U.S. High School Information Form for Placement
De Anza can consider U.S. high school transcripts for placement into the math, English & ESL course sequences.
Follow these steps to become eligible for a high school transcript (HST) assessment:
1. Apply to De Anza and obtain your student ID number
2. Complete this form and return via Email:
Mail or Drop off: De Anza Assessment Center, RSS 144, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014
General Processing Guidelines
We can only assess students using their U.S. high school transcript.
Students requesting admission to the Concurrent Enrollment Program should begin the program’s admission
process before assessing
With the exception of Concurrent Enrollment Program participants, students must complete at least 9
grade in the U.S. to receive placement by high school transcript assessment.
We reserve the right to request a copy of your high school transcript for auditing purposes.
We will email you when your results are posted! Here’s how to look up your placement results:
1. Log in to and Click on the Apps Menu
2. Find and click on the ‘Student Registration’ Tile (usually near the bottom)
Under the Student Records Menu click on ‘View My Placement Results.’
Processing Timeline: This can take us up to five (5) business days.
Your U.S. High School Transcript Information
Need help reading your transcript? Bring/Send a copy to the Assessment Center and we can review it with you!
Your Name: _________________________________ De Anza Student ID#: ___________________ Date: ____________
High School Name: _____________________________________ City: _____________________ State: ______________
What grade are you in? 11
grade (in progress) 11
grade completed/12
grade (in progress) Graduate
Your Unweighted, Cumulative/Total/Overall GPA: _________________________________ (this should be out of a 4.00).
What was your highest math course taken with a grade of C or higher? ________________________________________
What was the highest math course that you took (any grade earned), if different from above? _____________________
Date Received: ______________☐Email ☐Mail/Drop Off
☐If GPA in SOAHSCH, check for upload & date of upload
Date Processed: __________ Staff Initials:_____________
☐If submitted official transcript, give to A&R.
☐If submitted unofficial transcript, attached copy here.
Notes: __________________________________________
☐Open Entry Courses: MATH11, 44 & 46 (2ABM=33, 2ABM= 22)
☐HS GPA Denied (2ABM = 01)
☐MATH 10 (2ABM = 34) ☐MATH 210x+10 (2ABM = 31)
☐MATH 41 (2ABM = 47) ☐MATH 231+41 (2ABM = 46)
☐MATH 42 (2ABM = 49) ☐MATH 43 (2ABM = 51) ☐MATH 1A (2ABM = 59)
☐EWRT 1AS (2ABE = 21)
☐LART250+EWRT1A (2ABE = 25)
☐EWRT 1A (2ABE = 35)
☐HS GPA Denied (2ABE = 01)
☐Verify CELSA test taken
☐ESL 261, 262, 263 (2MMS= 41, 2MMT= 42, 2MML= 43)
☐ESL 272, 273 (2MMT= 52, 2MML= 53)
☐ESL 5 (2MML = 60)