List one reason you would like to join the DSCC Eagle Cheerleaders.
List any awards, honors and/or other achievements you have received in the past 5 years.
List clubs, organizations and community service you have been a part of in the past 5 years.
List 2 character references that are not family members and their contact information.
I am Male / Female. (circle one)
Shoe Size:
T-shirt size:
Short size:
I certify the above information is true. I understand that if this information is incorrect or incomplete I will be
excluded from the try-out process.
Signature Date
Statement of Vision Dyersburg State Community College will enhance the quality of life in West Tennessee by elevating the
region’s educational attainment. About DSCC Dyersburg State Community College is an open access, learning-centered
institution that serves seven counties in West Tennessee. Founded in 1969, DSCC’s vision is to enhance the quality of life in
West Tennessee by elevating the region’s educational attainment. The home campus of DSCC is in Dyersburg, and centers are
located in Covington, Trenton and Union City. Approximately 2,500 students are enrolled in Criminal Justice, Nursing and Allied
Health, Business and Technology, transfer, and developmental studies programs. DSCC is accredited by the Commission on
Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award the associate degree. Learning is enhanced by a variety
of campus organizations, state of the art technology, service learning opportunities, and sports programs. The college also
serves the community by offering a variety of continuing education courses and online degree programs.
Dyersburg State Community College
Dyersburg – Covington – Trenton
1510 Lake Road, Dyersburg, TN 38024
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