555 Wright Way
Carson City, NV 89711
Reno/Sparks/Carson City (775) 684-4DMV
(4368) Las Vegas area (702) 486-4DMV (4368)
NVL003 (Rev. 8/2015) Page 1 of 2
NRS 485.317 NAC 485.028
Dormant Vehicle – means a motor vehicle for which a policy of liability insurance is required
and will not be operated for an extended period of time because of mechanical or seasonal
Seasonal Vehicle – means a motor vehicle that is not used during certain periods of the year
because of seasonal residency, weather or other factors that make operation of the vehicle
during those periods undesirable, unnecessary, or impractical. An extended period of time, as
it pertains to seasonal vehicles, is a period of not less than three months.
Mechanical Circumstances – means that the components or systems of a motor vehicle have
failed to such an extent that the vehicle cannot be operated. An extended period of time as it
pertains to mechanical circumstances is a period of not less than thirty days and not more than
six months.
Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 485.320.3 requires that a person who owns a dormant vehicle and
who cancels the policy of liability insurance covering that vehicle or allows the policy to expire,
surrender the vehicle registration on or before the date on which the policy is canceled or expires. The
registered owner may keep the license plates after the registration has been surrendered by the DMV
to use the license plates to re-register the vehicle in Nevada.
When a vehicle is going to be dormant for seasonal or mechanical reasons, the owner must cancel the
vehicle registration through the Department before canceling the insurance policy. If the registration is
not canceled, the vehicle registration will be suspended. The reinstatement fee for an insurance
verification suspension uses a tiered system.
At the time this affidavit is submitted, original supporting documents covering the time frame that the
vehicle was not insured (such as receipts for storage and/or repairs) must be included. If the
department finds that the documents do in fact cover the time frame in question, and there is sufficient
evidence that the vehicle had not been driven, the registered owner may qualify to pay a reduced
reinstatement fee However, if there are fines due associated with the tiered insurance sanction, only
the fines associated with the dormancy will be waived, other fines may apply. This is counted as an