Current Information- To be completed by the student. PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION.
Today’s Date: __________________
Full Name: ________________________________________________ ID Number:____________________ Phone(home or cell): ____________________
Current Degree (check one): B.A.___B.S.___B.F.A.___B.M.___B.S.N.___ Current Advisor:_____________________________
Current Major: _____________ Concentration:______________ Minor:______________ Second Major:______________
Students earning a degree will not earn Academic Certificates for courses that are a subset of the required course
sequence for their declared major/minor.
Two-Thirds of the requirements for an Academic Certificate must be completed in residency.
Please circle the certificate you wish to add and/or cross through the certificate you wish to remove.
Example: Add Add Certificate Remove Remove Certificate
2D Studio Drawing Certificate (ARDW-CERT)
2D Studio Painting Certificate (ARPN-CERT)
2D Studio Photography Certificate (ARPO-CERT)
2D Studio Art Printmaking Certificate (ARPT-CERT)
3D Studio Ceramics (ARCL-CERT)
Arts Entrepreneurship (AREN-CERT)
Art History Certificate (ARHI-CERT)
Commercial Art/Graphic Design Certificate (ARDC-CERT)
Criminal Justice (CJ-CERT)
Digital Media Marketing (DM-CERT)
Entrepreneurship (BMEN-CERT)
ESL/Bilingual (EDBI-CERT)
Health Communication (COHC-CERT)
Jazz Studies (MUJZ-CERT)
Information Systems Application Development (ISAD-CERT)
Information Systems Data Management (ISDM-CERT)
Information Systems Security and Compliance (ISSC-CERT)
Instrumental Music (MUPI-CERT)
Literacy (EDLT-CERT)
Multicultural Leadership (EDMC-CERT)
Music Composition Certificate (MUCP-CERT)
Organizational Leadership (OL-CERT)
Process Improvement (BUPI-CERT)
Project Management (BUPM-CERT)
Special Education (EDSE-CERT)
Vocal Music (MUPV-CERT)
Student Signature Date Advisor Signature Date
Take form to your current Academic Dean’s administrative assistant to be added/removed from your planned
academic program.
The semester your change or addition will take effect is: Fall:__________(year) Spring:__________(year)
Current Academic Dean’s Adm. Asst. Signature Date New Academic Dean’s Adm. Asst. Signature Date